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Hey everyone just posting a progress update for the scene

Don't want to show anything till I'm done but here's what's done

Choice 1

Dialogue/Script .........................        (100% Complete)

Storyboards ....................        (100% Complete) 

Animation .......................        (80% Complete)

Editing/Rendering ................. (Will Occur after Animation is complete)

Choice 2 Complimenting

Dialogue/Script .........................        (100% Complete)

Storyboards ....................        (100% Complete)

Animation .......................        (15% Complete)

Editing/Rendering ................. (Will Occur after Animation is complete)

Choice 3

Dialogue/Script .........................        (100% Complete)

Storyboards ....................        (60% Complete)

Animation .......................        (20% Complete) <---(This means I got impatient and started animating before completing all the story boards)

Editing/Rendering ................. (Will Occur after Animation is complete)

Overall Progress

Sound Design - (Will Occur After release)

Voice Acting -   (Prepared Written Script over to V/A, asked her to look it over in meantime and wait until animation is done so she can have a clear visual to go off of) 

I'm also writing a script for a 2 split C*m options that will come after. 

So in total 3 Paths now that get split into to 2 more  C*m Option

So 6 Total Paths. 

This will be the main focus for the time being.

Everything will go back as normal after that. 

Release will be sometime Early March. Forgot how short February is.  I don't like doing an update without any visuals so I didn't update last week. I won't show anything from the choices (Till they're fully complete) but here's something I haven't shown that takes place before the choices.

See you all soon.

Multiple choices, multiplies work time so please be patient 



hope it will be a 45 minute film 😍✌️


When will it be released?