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This file is for patrons only!

Listen or download file: http://hypno.nimja.com/listen/221

Removing all your limbs leaves you as a defenceless, powerless being.
Objectification and limb removal.

  • Category: Transformation, Effect
  • Gender: All
  • Type: Kinky
  • Length: Medium
  • Participation: None
  • Obedience: A lot
  • Arousal: None
  • Orgasms: None




Terrifying but quite scarily brilliant , so so clever , almost did not listen , just getting arms back now . . .


Sir's voice is different here, the hairs on my neck went up. It was to late to turn back, the fear is definitely so arousing. There was no choice but to wait.....my pulse is still racing. Only you could make being limbless and powerless so seductive. Thank you.


Ok got all of my limbs back now . . I loved this Sir but oh boy :) :D


There are few words for how amazing that was. The fear, the arousal, delicious~ Much like Michelle said, the pulsing of my heart was the loudest it's been in a while.(Besides the workout induction!). Thank you Sooo much, Sir. ;3 Can't wait to mix it with "Loose Your Voice"


Oh boy😖. Reading the comments makes it sound scary enough. But I'm at work at an isolated office trailer at an impound lot, and there's a ghost here👻. It keeps knocking on the door, but there's no one there 😮! I might not dare be scared and quadriplegic until tomorrow after the spooks here at work tonight!👻👻👻🐾


My legs took the longest to come back , until my arms came back I just felt , well warm and muzzy I guess , it is very clever once you get over the fact it works so easily


Did you get this idea from that 'what's the weirdest porno you've ever jacked off to?' topic that was on reddit's front page the other day?


*laughs* - No. This has been a suggestion for more than 4 months.


I'm actually kind of scared to listen xD I think this is the only one of your files I've been afraid of. Meep. Well, I will definitely give it a listen...eventually. Too interesting-sounding not to!


My favourite way of trying these files is to start with the new one and put it into a mix with a couple of favourites on random , finally had chance .. oh boy this one wakes you I got no 95 next 😍 no idea what after that one but oh my , (I did set an alarm )


I am afraid to listen to this one.


Scared too Marsa- was going to ask Sir to hold my hand while i listened but it appears i wont have one 🙀


Well i summoned the courage to listen remembering "above all Sir will keep you safe " - a strange experience - powerless is so appealing - then limbs vanished but strangely hands and feet still were there and functional - how odd would that look - 🙀 Then my Guardian kicked in and i could go no further - i enjoyed the journey - but it was at its end - ty Sir for an interesting ride


Marsa Sir sets a time limit to your immobility so it is ok - hugs


I still Haven't tried it. I will work up the courage sooner or later. I think my issue is I am a nurse and have worked with quadriplegics,and have seen up close and personal the struggle and emotions they experience.


I finally listened to this file I preceded it by Obedient Fractionation and followed it by Your not Alone and Aftercare so perhaps I cheated. At any rate My limbs were still there but very cold and I could not move them for perhaps 15 minutes after I finished listening to the last file. Interesting thing is I had phantom pains in my foot which is a common occurrence with people who have had limbs amputated. Your aftercare file kept me from being terrified, Thank you. This was an interesting experience.


Honestly being restrained in any manner is not something I handle easily. One of the reasons I am checking out these hypnosis files is to try to understand the mindset of people who do participate in BDSM., I can understand the dominance and submission to a degree but so far I am baffled by some of the other things I have learned. Perhaps because I don't know anyone personally to discuss it with. Don't get me wrong I am not being judgmental .. That is what happens when you have an inquisitive mind and retire. :) I looked for something I knew very little about to look at objectively and try to get some understanding of why a person would subject themselves to the BDSM experience. Psychology was one of my favorite subject going to school for my nursing degree and I worked with psych patients a large part of my career. The human mind is amazing and peoples reaction to things they have experienced are so varied. Sorry I guess I got carried away with my response.


Yet restraint is not hard to understand. Physical restraint 'forces' someone to let go (eventually). If you are tied up, you fight for a while until you realize that the fighting is pointless. The calm afterwards can be incredibly nice.


I believe if I were physically restrained, while I was fighting the restraints, I would also be experiencing all the mental/emotional feelings of panic, anger, fear,frustration, anxiety etc, I am relatively sure when I stopped fighting it would be from exhaustion. However this is just what I think my reaction would be. I could not see myself ever voluntarily consenting to being placed in a bondage situation. Is bondage always consensual? If I may ask, The feeling of calmness after the struggle I will have to think about. When you admit to yourself there is nothing more you can do and stop fighting and just breath and be, then there is a calmness that follows. This has happened to me at different times in my life when I could not find a way to solve an issue. It isn't the same obviously but I do understand the calmness when you finally just give in and let someone else or something else be in control , Again I apologize I don't intend to turn every post into 20 questions.


Its also about trust - you trust the person who is in control ( for me anyway) - in my job i am in control of myself and my actions all the time - and often the actions of others - when i give up total control it is a freedom like no other - there is comfort, warmth, excitement and pleasure in this - making someone happy makes me happy - and bondage is one of the many ways you can give over that control.


I do understand the need not to be in control. I have had to be in control of myself , helping to care for my younger sister with a disability, then being a single mom, followed by being a nurse and a nursing supervisor position. Then taking care of both of my parents until they passed. So basically my entire life has consisted of being in control for the most part. But at the same time the thought of not being in control Is both terrifying and strangely appealing to me.


Just wanted to share my experience with this file. The first time I listened to it I got through one of the limbs and just couldn't continue. It was just such an odd sensation and honestly I was a bit scared. Fast forward to last night where I decided to listen to it all the way through. That was intense. I felt competly helpless and when you got to the part about how anyone could use me for anything and that I would be powerless to resist. Oh god. What I really didn't expect was that, normally after I wake up, I stretch. Not this time. My limbs were completely paralyzed, and all I could do was squirm a bit. Before I knew it, an hour had passed and I fallen asleep in the middle of squirming. Thank you sir for another amazing experience.


Interesting and thank you!