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Comment characters and/or scenarios that you want to see in an upcoming animation! I'll choose suggestions to be included in a poll, and the winning suggestion will be animated!

The "road trip alternate ending" animation is in progress, should be done around March 20th, and after that I'll do drawing requests. After THAT will be the "Harley Quinn (classic outfit) Forgets to Pull Down Her Pants" animation.


-March 1-15: Animation Suggestion Box

-March 16-30: Animation Suggestion Poll (using popular suggestions, or suggestions I like)


-Characters MUST be 18+

-You may suggest the scenario, but it's possible I'll decide the scenario myself based on what would work well for an animation. Shorter scenarios are best.

-You can make as many suggestions as you like



Either the famous scene from Bridesmaids recreated where we actually see what happens under her dress OR the scene from Sex and City where Charlotte “Poughkeepsies” in her pants and we see what happens.


Ms. Garner desperate to pee attending another business meeting while her boss says phrases that trigger her desperation like: "whiz right through this meeting", "can't have any of this info leak out, but we're treading water", "if we don't get this done, we won't have a pot to piss in" etc. Ms. Garner ends up wetting herself.