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  • cell-phone-animatic.mp4



Work in progress animatic! Martha waits in line for the bathroom at the club, potty dancing and about to drop one in her pants at any moment. Finally, her butt can't hold on any longer, and she bakes some brownies in her pants. Unbeknownst to her, this embarrassing display was recorded by someone at the club.

This animatic is a little different since it involves more detailed full-body animation. Usually I add some basic facial expressions to the animatic, but here it would be a waste of time since I'll have to go in and draw the faces on each unique pose, so I might as well do it once the posing animation is finalized.

Also, the background will be fleshed out in the final animation, and there'll at least one other person in line. Since they wont be doing much, I consider them background art and not worth sketching out.

Also also, a cell phone overlay, and a bit of shaky-cam will be added once everything else is done.



John Snow

Ha, I know you said it’s only a side project but I’d love to see some update on any social media (once you think it’s close enough to done anyway)


Oh yeah I'll definitely show something when there's something to show. There just hasn't been anything visual or interesting to show off since I've been working on the code for the battle system recently.


How do I put the video together I’m confused or were will it show up


Hi! The video download link is below the description, and above the "Like" button. Click the link that says "cell-phone-animatic.mp4". Let me know if you have any issues!