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Comment characters and/or scenarios that you want to see in next month's animation! I'll choose suggestions to be included in a poll, and the winning suggestion will be animated!

The Wonder Woman animation is in progress, should be done mid January, and the Samus animation some time after that.


-January 1-15: Animation Suggestion Box

-January 16-30: Animation Suggestion Poll (using popular suggestions, or suggestions I like)


-Characters MUST be 18+

-You may suggest the scenario, but it's possible I'll decide the scenario myself based on what would work well for an animation. Shorter scenarios are best.

-You can make as many suggestions as you like



HAILEY & KAYLEE By now, Hailey and Kaylee have shit themselves a bunch of times, Kaylee now having developed a kink for it. Would it be possible, after Hailey and Kaylee have discussed most of their unfortunate accidents to each other, for Kaylee to convince Hailey to embrace it more and perhaps Hailey shits her pants on purpose and loves it too OR Kaylee sets up an event where Hailey shits herself again in front of her. Kaylee would of course have an accident as well.


Serious Handler and The Handler from Monster Hunter World desperately needing to poop while waiting for the hunters to finish their quest. Que a roar so loud and close-sounding that they shit themselves.


Peach animation: alternate ending where she makes it in time


Hot business woman walks into board room to give a presentation to shareholders. Part way through she gets a sudden urge to crap and in her head she's talking to herself "oh god not this, not now..." Or words to that effect. Cut to a few minutes later and the urge is getting stronger her eyes widen in shock but she keeps up with her presentation but in her head she's talking to herself "OMG I'm about to shit my pants infront all these investors, I need to close this deal asap!!" By this point she's is trembling and sweating, stomach seriously gurgling with a barrage of wet farts with maybe a small shart just to make things worse as she is right on the verge of totally losing control just as she wraps up her presentation. The investors are impressed and she thinks she's home free. She's now shaking noticeably and drops her cue cards due to her dire need to poop. She turns around leaving her back to the investors, she fumbles and is hesitant to pick them up due to her need to poop and and not wanting to add any pressure to her stomach. Eventually she carefully tries to pick up her cards, she slowly bends over to pick them up straining with her stomach gurgling violently and just when her fingers are a mere couple inches away suddenly RRRIIIPPP!! Her tight pencil skirt splits right up the back seam from the hem to the zip exposing her sharted panties leaving the investors agasp and the office lady wide eyed and embarrassed. However this sudden shocking and embarrassing moment and added pressure on her stomach from bending over causes her to completely lose it seconds laters and shit herself. Suffice to say she didn't land the contract...

Jova R.

Here's a scenario off the last animation; Hailey is mad at Martha & Kaylee for not telling her about the ghost, so she decides to spike their dinner one night with huge amounts of laxatives while telling them about it. Martha & Kaylee's stomachs start gurgling not long after. They both look at each other, the bathroom door, and at Hailey figuring out what she has done. Both fear the ghost, but as they each release a fart, Martha gets brave enough to run to the bathroom and relive herself. Hailey, thinking she at least got Kaylee, starts to gloat, but in a twist, since Kaylee knows she can't hold it, sighs, stands up, bends over to where Hailey can see, and massively shits her panties for a long time, with a relived look on her face. At the end, you can hear a scream from the bathroom as Martha has been visited by the same ghost.

John Snow

Hailey is telling Kaylee and Martha about the toilet ghost, but they don’t believe her. They think she’s just making up an excuse for not making it to the bathroom on time. Meanwhile, unbeknownst to all three, the toilet ghost is floating around unseen listening in on the conversation. The ghost decides to play tricks on them. She farts near Kaylee and the other two girls blame her since they can’t see the ghost. She does this for all three. When she’s done with all three she wants to finish by letting out a big fart. She pushes too hard however and manages to shit herself. Kaylee and Martha suddenly believe Hailey as they all sit a floating pair of soiled panties due to the house ghost messing herself.


How about one of a girl who is spending a week with her boyfriend at a cabin. But she's too embarrassed to poop or fart around him. Part of the animation would be a compilation of her desperately trying to hold it throughout the trip. Until finally on the last night she can't take it anymore and she tries to go out secretly to the outhouse to do her business. Which would obviously proceed in a loud gassy dump. Whether or not the boyfriend comes out I'll leave to you.


Makoto Niijima from Persona 5 Gassy and Messing scenario, whatever you are feeling for it honestly.


Lois Griffin from family guy taking laxatives for constipation but underestimates their strength, lois gambles on a few wet farts but ends up filling her pants with a massive mess

Jova R.

Or, in a twist, all the execs are panty-pooping fetishists and give her the contract with a bonus

Z Rosenberg

Martha (I think that's your punk OC) messes herself at a rock concert in the mosh pit


Hailey is at a new year party and while there the food she ate didn’t sit well with her and she also has to pee with the large drink she had so she asks for the bathroom but the host says it’s unavailable not knowing that he intentionally said that so she improvises by using a bucket in private closet, with massive relief on her face when she unloads. But unknown to her, there was a cam in the closet she was in set by the host and he posts it on social media to the embarrassment of Hailey


Damn none of my ideas getting hearts, they not interesting or something 😂


Courtney from Total Drama desperate to take a shit, but luckily she makes it to the outhouse and unleashes hell into the thing

Frost Beam

I like that. Sounds a lot like that drawing and fanfic I got made for me