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After eating her 5th bratwurst, Mercy desperately needs to uh... produce a stool sample, so to speak. The hospital's bathroom is out of order, but a potted plant might provide relief in her desperate hour. Unfortunately, a teammate shows up as she's about to do the deed, and she's forced to pull her pants back up. After that, well... it's a good thing Mercy wears brown pants...

This is the audio for this month's animation! The animation will likely be completed near the end of the month!



Frost Beam

Man how do you make this audio!! So quick

Frost Beam

The idea is genius


Thanks! Not sure if the question is rhetorical, but I can mostly make audios quickly since I've been doing it for years, and gotten more efficient at it with practice. The past few months have also been really good practice, since I aim to make a video every month.