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Drunken Kaylee gets into a barfight after accidentally annoying a fancy woman at the bar by constantly farting, burping, and pigging out. They're both crammed into the backseat of a police cruiser, and to the fancy woman's horror, Kaylee really really needs to... uh... GO... right now. Keep in mind, they're sitting right next to each other, hip-to-hip, and this is beer/bar-food induced diarrhea, and a gallon of piss we're talking about...

This will be made into my next animation! Let me know if you think I should reuse one of my existing characters for the fancy woman (maybe one of the characters from the Golf animation), or if I should invent someone new.

This audio is more self explanatory than usual so I don't need to describe the plot too much. The only out of ordinary editing is that there's a smash cut from Kaylee's last fart being the final straw for the Fancy Lady, to immediately showing them both post-fight, in the policecar.

As usual, the animation should be done around mid-May!




ACAB - Let my girl rip ass in peace


can't wait for another one of my suggestions to be brought to life!