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  • Harley Animatic.mp4



During a bank robbery, Harley has to take a dump, delaying her escape.

This animation should be done sometime around the 20th!

In the middle of a bank robbery, Harley gets the desperate urge to poop. She considers waiting till later, but after some urgent stomach cramps she realizes she needs to go NOW, and makes an annoyed noise.

Cut to the bathroom, where she sits down and starts shitting. A few seconds in, she realizes she was in such a hurry (due to wanting to make a quick escape) that she forgot to pull down her pants, and has shit herself on the toilet.

Suddenly, the bathroom door is kicked open by everyone's favorite dark & brooding hero, and Harley craps herself even more in fear. She awkwardly smiles, knowing that the jig is up.




Lose-lose for Harley crapped her pants then gets caught by Batman lol can’t wait for the animation


hahahahaha yep, in retrospect should shoulda just let it loose in her pants while running away