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Hey guys!  Quick and short update here for ya.  What'd I do?

- Dozer Day 11 - This update is pretty short for him, buuuut, I think it shows off a bit more about Dozer too.  Be sure to check it out!

Thank you all for sticking with me this month, despite my lack of updates.  We leave out tomorrow to start our trip to our new home.  It's about a 20 hour drive we are gonna spread out over a couple of days.  I won't be able to reply to questions and whatnot in the meantime.

Hopefully, we'll be able to get our internet set up pretty quickly once we arrive, but updates should be normal again with May's mid-month update!  So please, look forward to things being back on track.

A couple of things I'd like to point out is that I've updated Coach's Guide again, due to some mistakes I made with it and some confusion in regards to winning the Carnival games with him.  Here's the updated version >> https://docs.google.com/document/d/11MNt7zZhGYVE54V3uKJKAJsbo5VPQ9M_zmD_nYizMNE/edit?usp=sharing

Spencer's  and Coach's Dakimakuras are also still available.  Thank you all for the feedback and support we've gotten on those!  It's been great~  Click their names or you can find them here >> https://www.furrydakimakura.com/

And thank you for all the feedback I got on that last post.  Wow!  There are a lot of things you guys are interested in, and I've made a lot of extra notes there.  I'll be running back through the stuff too.  I know there are some comments I haven't replied to, but I have read them all!  (I've just been so busy x__x)

Again, I'm sorry for the short/lack of update this month, but things will be back to normal next month!  Thank you all so much for sticking with me while I make some huge changes in my life, and thank you for all the support guys.  You're the best <3

 Oh yeah, for all my new folks..  Links and Passwords are in the first comment I make!  Just Load More comments if you can't see them. 



PC/MAC Password - 136thankyousomuch <a href="https://www.dropbox.com/sh/bfypxddusg8btke/AAAF4eSGgrnxbycO6HKwTs5Xa?dl=0" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.dropbox.com/sh/bfypxddusg8btke/AAAF4eSGgrnxbycO6HKwTs5Xa?dl=0</a> Android Password - 136androidthanksguys <a href="https://www.dropbox.com/s/428d85gff708x1d/ExtracurricularActivities-1.29-release.apk?dl=0" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.dropbox.com/s/428d85gff708x1d/ExtracurricularActivities-1.29-release.apk?dl=0</a>


You've no idea how great it is to see patreon emails from you. I'll have to get to this after work tomorrow. Best of luck on your far too long drive, hope you make lots of new friends!


一路平安/Have a nice trip


I hope the move goes smoothly thanks for taking the time to make this update.

Hyou Vizer

wow so early, i didn't expect this, thank YOU so much @___@


Ah its a nice little update Good to see your already using our suggested topics, seeing this only made me more excited about the possibilities for future updates.


Oh my gah! Be safe and have fun on your trip! ^w^


Dammit im behind 2 updates now! I need to catch up!


Woah, nice surprise. Something to look forward to after finals, and have a safe trip to your new home!

Bruno Adamant

If you pass through Va, say hi!


Do you have any plans to remove the dakis from the store? Or will they be up there for the foreseeable future?


I thought I replied to this &gt;.&gt; I remember reading it. They'll be up there indefinitely! No plans to bring them down any time soon ;)