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Howdy, folks!  IT feels like it's been a while since I've made an ExcA post, but I'm back with one!

What's up with this update?

- Dwayne Day 14 - This big gorilla wants to spend a lot of time painting, but when you're spending time with him, there's some fun stuff happening it seems.

Note for Android Users!

Something has gone wrong with my Ren'Py and android builds (I think it's due to the size?  Not 100% sure though), so I had to use an updated version of the Ren'Py launcher to build the android versions.  This might impact installations and save files.  I knew this day was coming eventually but it kinda surprised me today when I couldn't make my builds.  I expect it'll happen with all other builds soon, but for now, this seems to just be impacting Android builds. (You can always transfer the save files from the old folder to the new folder too!)

- Next Update will be with Richard's Day 20 at the start of next month!

- Remember, we're still looking for feedback on Eternal Endeavor as well!  I recently updated the builds on ITch to incorporate some of the feedback we've gotten already. Itch Page Here!

- Something I'm curious to hear from you guys...  Is there something you'd like to see more of from me? Please bear in mind, I'm but one person, but I am curious to hear if there's something particular you might want more of!

Itch Link (please use this first if you can!)- https://dynewulf.itch.io/ea-patreon-download/patreon-access

One Drive - https://1drv.ms/f/s!Aojwdb9M1OytitxsN78P7h4mske-7w?e=GQ8mIc

- Thanks so much for the continued support with typos and other errors with the Google Docs page.   It helps tremendously!  Don't forget, you can post image  errors there too.  Please keep errors posted to the reports page and not in comments/messages to me~

- Don't forget, you can see my update schedule here!  It's updated through the end of the year, so you can see what's coming!

Thank you so much, everyone!  Your support means the world to me, and I can never express just how much it means to me.



Hello! It seems this android version installs as a different app rather than in update of the existing app. This means the save data doesn't transfer over to this new file. Do you have any possible fixes? If not, I guess Ill have to play though all the routes again haha!


Instead of updating on android, it installed a whole new app, but I transfer my saves files over and it works fine for me.


The comment right below yours mentioned they were able to just transfer their saves (I'm assuming from the older folder to the new one), and it worked for them, so I'd say give that a shot =3


Holy shit, that was hot. Dwayne as a bottom is everything, hopefully it keeps going that way. Hopefully the MC gets to both fuck him and Richard at the same time, taking turns on those holes.


I have a problem with the install of the new update, it won‘t let me install the apk.


It’s very noticeable that your writing has improved tremendously, I find it brilliant the way you’re making all the characters from other routes interact with the Mc and make an impact in these routes (Dwayne and Richard).


Are you getting an error? Try deleting it and redownloading it. Some instances require folks to allow APKs to be installed to their phones as well.


I can find the save folder but it's empty and if I delete it the saves stay in the app (android). Can anyone help? Google is no help at all so I hope someone here can help


See if this helps out! https://lemmasoft.renai.us/forums/viewtopic.php?t=39176