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Howdy, folks!  I just wanted to show off a screenshot from the current October project I'm working on with Gavel.

As usual, I wanted to try something new to see how it works, and so far, I'm pretty happy about how things are moving along. It offers some form of combat (it's nothing super elaborate) and a variety of other things that will rely on the stats of characters to succeed at. I'm mixing in some customization (like stats and party) to it so players will have a chance to tackle things in a variety of ways.

I don't want spoil too much yet, but the screens are from the game's prologue as it follows Lairen, a wolf therian, and Zandahrell (some of you might have seen him before if you follow me on twitter or are in the discord server!).

As I mentioned previously, I don't expect this to be completed by the end of the month, but we'll definitely have something for you folks to check out then! The prologue is done, and we're getting into the main parts of the game.

And yes, I know folks are wondering... There will absolutely be NSFW content here. I can't make a project without it! But, I'm trying to make it in such a way that folks can toggle it on and off, so if they don't want to see it, well, the don't have to!

Anyhow, that's all I have for now!  If I don't forget to share, I'll show off a little more in a few days to let you all know what else you can expect!

Thank you all for your support!  I can't wait to show off more! <3

An extra note for the followers that aren't Patrons, you can join up at the $3 tier, and all of the support there goes towards me being able to continue to create games and stories for you all, so if you can afford to join, all of your support is greatly appreciated! You get access to ExcA updates a month before they are public, and you get other perks in regards to my projects too. You also get access to my discord channel!

Thanks again, everyone!



Fuzzy Delp

This project looks great! I just heard about it now but I already can't wait to play it! Everything you've worked on Dyne has been amazing


Looks really good right now, remind me a little of BG3, anyway I'll love to play it as soon as is available hehe


Looks fantastic so far! Big fan of the previous 2 pixel games!


Hah, Gavel said the same thing when I brought up the idea to him!


Cant wait for it! I wanna have sexy time with that Laradi!