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Howdy, folks!  Thank you all so much for being patient and waiting a little extra for the update!  Between the hubby and something else I'll mention a little further down, I've gotten the Dwayne update ready to go!

-Dwayne Day 13 - You guys are set to go meet Cal in the city today, and there's always something more to do in the city!

- Day 8 Chester - One of Chester's friends got an updated visual and a name, finally!  You can go see who it is now~ It's a character that belongs to BadaimRacoon (well, as him, haha), someone who's been extremely supportive in more ways than what I could ever say.

- I didn't get as much extra content added in as I wanted to, but a large part of that is because we finally released 'Engaging Destiny' for PC on Itch!  It's been a long, wild ride, but we're happy to finally have that project out there.  We're still doing patches and updates for it as folks find issues, but the stress of finishing the project is finally gone.  It's on PC only on Itch at the moment, but we intend on putting it on MAC/Linux/Android soon, and we'll be putting what we can on Steam as well, so keep an eye out for that stuff!

- Lastly, don't forget, Richard's update is next, and it won't be until October 1st!  I'll be absent for about a week, as I have an out-of-country guest visiting!

Itch Link (please use this first if you can!)- https://dynewulf.itch.io/10-ea-patreon-download/patreon-access

One Drive - ExtracurricularActivities-1.161wgal-dists

- Thanks so much for the continued support with typos and other errors with the Google Docs page.   It helps tremendously!  Don't forget, you can post image  errors there too.  Please keep errors posted to the reports page and not in comments/messages to me~

- Don't forget, you can see my update schedule here!  It's updated through the end of the year, so you can see what's coming!

Thank you all for you continued support and understanding <3 I legit wouldn't be able to make it otherwise.  Because of your support, me and the hubby as able to get by, and I'm able to keep making these projects for you all.  So, thank you!


Bobby Thornbody

As always, Dyne, great job with the update. I just hope when Dwayne rushed over, he remembered to lock his own apartment. XD Also, I loved the newest addition to Chester's route.


Another enjoyable update, nice to see their relationship growing stronger. Though the matter with MC's father is a thorny one, this is the first time I'm thinking Dwayne's not listening/respecting to MC.


Well, thank you! Odds are, he did NOT remember to lock his door x3 I'd be willing to say with 100% certainty that he didn't, haha


It is a touchy one, for sure. Dwayne had a great relationship with his dad, and he wants the MC to have that too, but... things don't always work that way.