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First of all, are there are topics of conversation you might like to see between the MC and any particular character?  Anything you might want to find out about a certain guy?  Really, there are times when I cannot, for the life of me, think of anything reasonable for the guys to talk about.  The visual novel focuses a lot on dialogue to build the characters, so you can see how this might be a problem at times.  SO, are there any things you guys might enjoy seeing them talk about or interacting over?

Second, I have an idea of changing up how I receive typo posts from people.  Often, I do get reports of the same typos/errors from people (or it could be something I've already fixed that just popped up late).  To help alleviate this, I'm going to create a google document that people can share their error finds in.  Of course, if you see the error your found in there, there's no need to say it again!  This document is readable and editable by all of you.  I am just testing this idea for now, to see how it does.  If it doesn't work as intended, no harm done!


And a final bit.  I'm sure by now, a lot of you saw I was approved on the house I applied for (SO MUCH GLEE!).  I should be able to move in on the 28th, meaning 11 days to pack, see friends here and move.  My update will be before we leave, but I'm just gonna say now that I don't feel I'll be able to get more than 1 character updated.  I'm trying, mind you, but I'm just going to be reasonable here since I don't have the time or focus to fully knock out a normal update.  Next month, things should be normal with no issues, but I want to be straight-forward with all of you about this month.

Thank you all for the kind words and the support.  You really have no idea what that means for me and how it affects me.  Thank you so much <3



Good luck das to see you go you where so close and now I won't have a chance to meet you ;u;


Maybe a scene where spencer and the player character talked about their childhood together? I know there was a mention to it but I'd like to hear more about their connected past.

Max Freeman

We could talk about your upcoming dateable characters you got planned.


I like the idea of discussing what 5 years down the road looks like for them and then the long-term ten years. We kind of get that from Spencer (edit: so does Dozer to an extent) but I would love to see what the other guys think where their lives are going. Also maybe discuss the other members of the team? I know Spencer does this (naturally as the first seed of the team) but maybe it wouldn't be so bad to talk about the other members in the other routes. I know it may be a little difficult but talk about school a little bit more. I know when I am in school, the hardships of classes is always a good topic to converse about but I don't know how much you want to invest in making realistic class talk. I think the interactions with things/places between the MC and the guys are fine because they are contextual to each particular guy and that aspect of the VN is doing fine, in my opinion anyways.


I don't know maybe the player character ask Spence about how he became a pole dancer


Also maybe what they look for their ideal mate and maybe past relationships, if applicable?


will all routes given an option to move out of the homeless shelter? If not then maybe discuss some quirks to their personality?


Honestly couldn't be happier for you and your partner! Moving is a big deal, wish you the best :) Also the character route update is reasonable, we all know you always deliver. I'm certain there's going to be one rando that'll mess with that doc and ruin that plan tho, so we'll see. I mean, if it's the same people reporting typos then maybe give access to select patrons you'd trust? Just a thought.


Maybe I stead of a Google doc, do a Google sheet instead? I just think the format will be a nightmare after a while but that's just me. I'm anal about those sorts of things. I think pull down tabs can be done with sheets but I'm not sure about that since I haven't personally tried.


I'd like to see more of the guys interacting with each other, actually. Some of the guys, especially Chester and Dozer, feel irrelevant outside of their own paths. Darius and Spencer get a lot of time in each other's paths, so it'd be nice to see some more interactions with the others.


congrats, and no worries about the 1 route update, i'm still partly in 'life is now complete' mode from the last update. for conversation topics, i'd love to hear dozer talk about the other teammates; we've learned quite a lot about his past and you dropped tons of bombshells (his abuse, his asshole 'friend', that one bombing, dating harvey etc) so we're kinda set on that, but we really don't know how he feels about the other characters especially coach and darius. for darius i'd like to have him talk about his family, mainly because i think getting him to open up about that will be like pulling teeth and i feel it's only fair for him to be the one who's uncomfortable because his boundaries are being pushed for a change.


In other routes Darius sometimes has a knack for playing matchmaker i would love to see him at work on other people during his route, it seems like he's making Richard really jealous, and i think its one of his many personality quirks that i like about Darius. I would like learn more about what drew Chester to Japanese culture. I would like an actual discussion about the population ratio between morphs and humans. Although that could be tough to fit into the story. and if MC ends up being a human i would love a joke about Harold Grifter having a thing for humans.


Hehehe, well, that's something that will come along ;3 But I need to finish my current routes first!


Well, thanks for that! I try to keep things relevant, I just hit walls sometimes, and I bet what I read through here can spur some ideas! These are some interesting ideas to work with as well.


I've put thought into it that, but I don't suppose I've really elaborated much on it, have I?


Thank you so much :D You're right about the doc, so this is just a test to see how things go. I have some expectations, so we'll see.


I hear you on that. I've been trying to work the guys into other routes with more recent updates. I'll keep working on that!


I wish you luck in your move, and whatever​ you make is alright with me. I'm​ not I even have any ideas or suggestions about getting to know a little more about the characters.


Except for maybe to know a little more about Darius's problems with bf relationships and Dozer's hardships when he and his mom left his father.


Hehe, one reason I did such a big update was just in case I failed with my updates this month due to moving and such... x3 So, I'm glad for that! Oooh, some great ideas, thanks! :D


Hmmm. I can't think of much in terms of ideas for MC and the person of his interest to talk about. One thing I would like to see (although it was most likely elaborated) is more on Andrew's trust issues. Has he always been like that? Will it be a problem in the future? Something for Chester's route Speaking of Andrew. It would be cool to see more of him. Even if he can be a rough one to talk to. Again, I can't think of much currently lol. But eh. Others have given you better ideas. So there's that. Anyway, good luck with your endeavors.


I don't know if Dozer is the type to tell tales of the clinic, but it might be interesting. Or at least something that he might talk about when prompted. Chester—maybe the games he wants to make? I mean, he's probably got ideas just floating in his head that would just be so awesome to make, because like, you would get a story kinda like Dragon Era but the main character is a travelling merchant so you add the crafting mechanics from Final Fable XXI except the items_talk_ because they absorb souls and you have to figure out how to get them back where they need to go but also there's this rebellion going on so you end up negotiating a lot and the items help you because some of them are giant swords and.... hey, are you still listening? Anyway it would be TOTALLY AWESOME and...

BadTech Games

A few ideas: For Spencer, I'd like to know more about what he has been up to during the period the MC and him stopped contact and what effect that may have had on him (Perhaps a glimpse into how those snout marks got onto the door? was he daydreaming about something or someone?)

BadTech Games

Chester: I'd like to know more about his experience with Vernon, what Chester was like before he had that incident (I mean, why football specifically of all things and why after something like that did he choose to go into Tennis?) could also delve a bit deeper into his personal tastes in games and anime (does he have a favorite title or series?) Why did he get the job at the arcade? is he hoping to make something more on that? or is it just an the closest thing he could find similar to his tastes. Darius: I'd like to see more of this guy too (not in THAT way god) He seems to have varied tastes but I don't think I've found him to be passionate about anything other than being a cocksleeve, (not that I mind) Does he have a long term goal in mind? what is he working towards? and of course the question we all wanna know.... DAFUQ IS GOIN ON WIT HIS HEAD!!?


Congrats on the soon to be move! The only conversation I can think of that could expand the story is between the MC and Spencer. Did Spencer having feelings for MC cause him to back away out of fear of jeopardizing the friendship? We know that they are both interested in each other in Spence's route and how in Darius' they almost had a one night stand. It leaves a nice gray area to develope with him and potentially the MC along with any other detail we can learn about the MC's past. Other than that playing through Dozer's route made me wonder if the MC was going to be a side guy as he is away from his home town XD and Darius' route made me angry as he seems to open up to you a little bit and tease you then leaves you for developing feelings. Talk about mean, I wanted to punch him but there's so much left to develops on both stories XD

BadTech Games

Possibly even a little "Flashback/Daydream/Do you remeber when..." thingy, showing how the MC met Spencer, how they became friends etc to fill out the players knowledge of the MC's Best Friend. We know almost nothing about him tbh

Donovan Grayson

I wouldn't mind Coach and the MC discussing their pasts and their dreams for the future as well as Coach asking the MC to move in with him


First off good luck with the move, I know it can be difficult especially across large distances, and I can be frustrating even finding a place you like (my roommates and I have been looking into getting a bigger place for about a year now without much luck) so congrats on getting to the last steps. For some conversation topics, an obvious one would be what sparked their interest in tennis, I know that Dozer and Chester both touched on that topic briefly but maybe there is more to it then what they let on. Another one would be what are the long term relationship goals going forward, for example is it a fling, something more serious, are they in love or is it just infatuation, do they plan to live together etc. More specific questions about the characters themselves, Coach could talk about his past with Diana, how they met, how long they dated before getting married, why he didn't broach the subject regarding his preferences before they were married etc. If that topic is iffy (given that Diana is one of his triggers) then maybe why he got into teaching, what made him get into writing, his past with tennis did he ever play professionally and why he chose to coach instead of pursuing it as a career. Darius could talk about what it was like growing up in a life of Affluence and privilege, the kinds of expectations his parents put on him because of that and so on. Though he is annoyingly evasive when it comes to personal questions so that might be difficult to get him to talk about. Dozer talked a fair amount about his past so far, but has not gotten into anything about his dad yet, seemed like a sore subject when it came up before so it's something to consider. Spencer could talk about how he came to work at the Dynamite Springs or at they very least what led to his interest in dancing in general. And Chester has plenty of topics to choose from in the anime, video games, manga, trading cards, and other assorted hobbies there as to what sparked his interest in them. If it helps, when you are stuck for conversation topics with the characters, put yourself in the MC's shoes and think "what would I talk to these guys about" it should give you some ideas -[that's assuming however that certain body parts aren't stealing all the blood from your brain when you are standing that close to these guys ;) ]-


One thing that's been on my mind that I'd like to see the characters, MC and Darius in particular, discuss, is as to why Darius is so against being in a relationship himself. As I'm pretty sure in his route, on one of the days, he started to mention something regarding relationships, but then he cut himself off, and said nevermind. I'm also interested in the MC's background too, as I'm not sure if it was said he's an only child or not, so I'd like to have that discussed at some point, in any of the routes. As well as seeing some more discussion about his mother and father, and the possibility of them appearing in-game. I'm also wondering about whether you're going to give characters like Richard and Harold's Ex, character models as well. That'd be something cool to see, it'd add a little more life into the story as well. Along with the backgrounds, that I know you're in the process of having done, for areas like the Shelter, and the MC's room there, I presume that you'd have more of those done down the line. So that's another thing to look at. Anyways, congratulations again on the move, and take your time Dyne. Pretty sure most of us would not mind waiting a few extra days to a week if you would like to give two characters an update rather than one. But either way, I wish you the best in your move, and I'm really looking forward to what you have in store for us next. ^^


Grats on the new place, hope moving goes smoothly for you! Currently, on days that the MC has classes to attend, his time on campus feels relatively short; so I’d like the MC to speak/interact with other characters (preferably non-route characters) more often, before and after his classes. As for topics, tennis and class-related ones come to mind, and as time progresses, minor character-related topics ones would be more appropriate-e.g. Asking Darius if he knows anyone famous. Any specific route’s character currently speaks with the MC after class, but those conversations tend to be brief, and are used as a segue by said character to proceed with what they have planned for the day. To an extent, Spencer interacts with the MC outside of class, but it’s so he can progress your route with a different character. Considering what little we know of each characters’ class schedule, interactions between the MC and other characters would most likely be confined to quick conversations. However, these conversations don’t need to be restricted between the MC and a character. You could have two characters speaking to each other discussing an upcoming quiz/tennis match, while the MC listens in after arriving/leaving his class. This would help reinforce existing relationships (Chester and Dozer), while extending the perceived time we see the MC spend on campus.


Congratulations on your move! I hope it goes with ease. As for the conversation topic(s): Chester - I'd love to hear more about Chester's relationship with his brother. Why they live together and not with their parents etc. (My bad if that is in already it's been a while since I played through his route.) Spencer - What it was that got him into dancing/pole dancing. He also mentioned he rarely speaks with his parents. - Could be a decent topic. Coach - When/How he discovered he was bisexual. (If he's been bi his whole life, or he experienced something which made him accept himself and his feelings.) Also it would be nice to hear if he always played tennis, or if he went through a bunch of different kinds sports until he found his love and passion for it.


Andrew is a good one to elaborate a bit more one... Thanks!


Since Dozer is opening up a lot more, I could see him sharing a few tales... And Chester, I hadn't even though of diving into that idea x3 That could be a fun thing to think about.


These are also some great ideas I can work with. Thanks for the ideas ;3


Looks like I need to put a lot of thought into their pasts. That seems to be a common want here ;3 And thank you!


Dun dun duuuuun! Dreams for the future... I dig that.


Congratulations on the new house! Something I am curious about that may spark some descussion with some characters and prolly won't for others is how they realized they were attracted to guys. I know I am very interested in hearing about Coach considering his reaction to being called gay by the MC was so extreme (it even had a screen shake when he shouted!) and to hear about Spencer and if he was attracted to MC before hand.


Also, Spencer's bracelet was mentioned before along with his IDEKA shirt and the topic of Coach's jockstrap is always fun, especially since MC has brought it up to himself several times in his route.


Probably a convo Between MC and Maria, talking about the the guy of your choice. I always thought of maria as a big sister looking out for her little bro when she finds out you're dating. I wanna see her have some concern when it comes to you dating X.

Hyou Vizer

Spencer bracelet explained in his route and his IDEKA shirt mentioned in Chester's route explained there. Get to know more about the supporting characters, Maria, Richard, Bam, Azaghal, Tai, Andrew, Dozer's ex bf.

Doc Tora

Well, since I've had a pretty slow day I'll throw in a few things I've been thinking about. - Dozer: Regonoreth had mentioned something I was going to suggest...clinic stories! Who doesn't love a crazy medical story, right? I know I have PLENTY of crazy ones from clinic/hospital life (if you need inspiration). Maybe Dozer can also help MC get a job at the clinic in some capacity? - Spencer: Insecurities. Now that we've seen that our Tennis Dog isn't quite perfect at everything, probably some more intimate convo with MC might stem into why he feels the need to be 100% all the time. - Coach: I think it would be nice for Harold to talk about where/when he discovered his passion for literature, writing and poetry. Inspiration for the arts is something I love and should be shared. Possibly something else I'd like to see mentioned are the topics he shares in therapy. It might give Coach and MC the idea to try to reach out to others with depression. I could go on and on about this too, but I'll leave it with that. And congrats again on the house!


I would love to have a scene where the MC gets dumped or hurt in some way by someone (probably Darius :P) and he comes by the shelter. Before he has a chance to really say anything to the MC, Maria jumps in and goes off on him. Basically I want to see a scary-protective side of Maria. Kind of like how Andrew is protective of Chester, but with less physical intimidation.


I'm seconding the subject of insecurities when it comes to Spencer. In fact maybe have Spencer totally mess up on something, protagonist has to help clean the mess which leads to why he always needs everything perfect.


YES. angry maria, let her have angry momma-cat mode.


Good luck on the move! I'd like to see more on the population ratio between morphs and humans as others have mentioned. I'm also interested in what is considered taboo for morphs food-wise. It get's awkward to ask Chester for steak for example, for obvious reasons, but I've also (in other games) seen it made where the morphs were treated as humans than a normal animal so it was an okay thing. Chester I'd assume would be the one to integrate something like this in with given he's the only one who'd likely not straight up be a meat eater, though I'm sure it could be brought up in conversation with others as well. Are people like Chester bothered if people eat a steak, for example?

Hyou Vizer

so far chester has eaten sausage for meat at least, he made it with eggs for the MC during breakfast way back in an earlier day


Some backstory on Maria and Richard would be nice


I agree with Maria and Richard. Aside from Maria being the owner of the shelter and Richard assisting her, we really don't know much about them. Also, have they mentioned anyone else living at the shelter?


Something else that came to mind is the IDEKA shirts that Darius and Spencer wear. Since they haven't really stated whether they just found them or if they know of the series, maybe delve a bit on how they came across it?


Definitely like to see more of Spencer insecurities and maybe more about his past with MC, maybe even talk about when he first started developing feelings for him or even as to reasons why they've haven't interacted with each other outside of the team. For Chester I'd like hear more about his plans for the future for both himself and the MC if any.


This! I think it would make more sense to delve into this during Chester's route as they encounter IDEKA at the con otherwise the MC would have no reason to bring it up other than pure curiousity. Or even just noticing that both Darius and Spencer wear them both and having a conversation about that


Thanks thanks. I think the hardest part was finding the place and just waiting to be approved. Can't wait to be over there now! All of these ideas would make great conversation topics to work in, and they could lead to even more. Thanks for all the ideas ;D


We will definitely be delving into that territory with Darius! I'm hoping to get some more work done to put in really soon too~ That's certainly a big plus for me. Thanks thanks ;3 I'll prolly stick with the single and get back to my normal updates next month. If all goes how I want, that won't be an issue!


Thanks! Hum, I'd not thought too much about the class deal. I should actually write down their schedules myself. It would be easier to keep up with. Great ideas!


Thank you! I'll have to check Chester's stuff for that. I think I touched it lightly as just a... passing comment. Looks like a lot of people want to know more details with Spencer's dancing too x3 I'll really have to put thought into it.


Oooh, not much going on for Maria right now, so I really like this idea ;D


I keep forgetting about that shirt. Mentioning that is a must!


I have some ideas, so we'll see how that plays out ;3


Two really popular topics, it seems. I'll definitely think about these more!


First off, big congrats on a successful new living arrangement. Always feels good when a fairly large portion of your life is properly sorted out. Hopefully the rest of life's puzzle pieces fall neatly into place for you as well. So, where to begin with this... Spencer- I will echo the whole insecurities thing, as well learning more about his history with the MC, maybe flashing back to a few points in the past, as well as maybe a point where Spencer protected him from a bully. Perhaps Spencer could even do that in another route, maybe against Vernon in Chester's route? It's a possibility, anyway. Also, bringing up the armband he always wears, as well as his own family a bit would be nice. And, of course, the story behind why Spencer chose to approach the MC when they were kids in the first place. Coach- Mostly why he wanted to be a writer and a teacher would be a nice start. Perhaps a bit more about his ex-wife, a bit of history between them. I'm tempted to say perhaps have Harold and Dianna speak one more time to try and get some closure there, though it could do more harm than good. Maybe something well-meaning but misguided brought up by the MC? Dozer- I'm honestly curious to see how Dozer would react to Darius' antics. Part of me thinks that Dozer would have little tolerance for Darius' BS, or that the lion could come very close to triggering that anger of his if he tried to flirt with the MC and Dozer saw it. Speaking of that anger, the things leading up to it, like his father, and the event that actually caused it, like his friend that betrayed him, could stand to have some looking into at some point. Having the MC talk about his own father while nudging Dozer to talk about his and all that. And perhaps have Dozer and Spencer talk a bit with Dozer internally comparing him to Harvey. Also, to echo past suggestions, clinic stories. Darius- Why he views relationships the way he does is the obvious one here. Perhaps some dialogue with Spencer to get the two to bury the hatchet as well, depending on how the day with Spencer on Darius' route goes. Maybe have the MC call him on his overwhelming lack of tact. On the positive side, more about his family and maybe how he was as a kid might help. Maybe even just how big his network of friends is...And how they'd react to his being unavailable for a time. Chester- Andrew's protective nature could do with some exploring, as well as Chester's initial interest in anime and games, as well as more about his parents, since his mother is the reason he's the cook he is now. A bit more dialogue between Maria and Chester is needed as well, since he was pretty awkward the first time they met, and the two cooks need to compare notes. Not sure how heavy overall you want to get with the VN, but so far Chester seems to be the only route where the characters get some on-screen flak for being gay. This is an alternate universe, so maybe a general idea of how sexuality is seen around Cresthaven? Maria- I would love to know what made her want to open a homeless shelter, and how she got to be as selfless as she is. Past event, or was she always like that? Also seeing her get mad at least once or protective of the MC would be quite a treat. Maybe occasional mention of others at the shelter would be nice as well, because sometimes it feels like only she, MC and Richard live there.


One thing I don't get a strong sense of for Coach is why he's interested in MC, though I might've just missed that part of his route. Players get why they're into each character, but it'd be interesting to hear from every character what they seen in MC from their point of view


Have you considered using something like MantisBT to track typos and/or bugs?


**CONTAINS SPOILERS PLEASE DON'T READ IF YOU HAVEN'T CAUGHT UP WITH CERTAIN ROUTES!! DON'T WANNA RUIN IT FOR YA!** Regarding the MC, when catching up and playing through all the routes recently I noticed that the dialogue kinda shifted and is now heavily catering towards the MC being a human, when before it was a bit of a toss up and up to your own imagination. While that's not a big problem, it kinda does take away from the fact that some people (including myself) might like to imagine that their own character is in this universe interacting with them, and not necessarily picturing themselves or just a default human. For example, during Spencer's route when he would get excited and brush his tail up against you, the main character would respond with it feeling weird because they themselves don't having a tail. Or when you go to Spencer's house to help him clean, the MC would make the comments about there being a lot of fur around the house. I think, if this is even possible to begin with, having the option to choose whether you want your character to be an anthro or a human during "character creation" so to speak would be a great touch to making people more immersed in the story. As for specific character interaction: Chester's route, after Andrew finds out that you're a couple and allows the MC to stop by at the house any time - I think it would be a neat idea during downtime in the story (I.e. when you get to choose to go on random side quests) you could choose to go over to Chester's place and talk with his brother to try and gain some trust with him. Darius' route: I would love to see more interaction with Spencer in this route. Maybe at some point during the story things get heated between the MC and Darius and it leaves the MC emotionally hurt. Spencer could offer his help as the best friend to the MC, or even more. Spencer is still gay and definitely has feelings for you, so maybe he could come out with that at some point and you can choose to try things out with Spencer instead of Darius, while still having heavy plot conflicts with Darius. Like some sort of love triangle. Spencer's Route: I really really love that the MC is moving in with Spencer so early on. Spencer has stated before during his route that he loves the thought of coming home to someone after his work shift. The MC could finally figure out what to do as a date for them - have it be waiting for Spencer to get home from work and surprising him with a meal that you prepared and cooked for him by yourself. ALSO this would make a great opportunity to talk with Chester during this route. You could overhear a conversation between Chester and Dozer about his love for cooking and have him show you a thing or two to help surprise Spencer on your own. Take it as kind of like a memorization mini-game, Chester tells you about how to prepare a certain dish and you put that to the test. Alternatively Maria could be called upon as well! Dozer's route: I loved his transition from being standoffish, shy, and kept to himself, to a very social and funny guy. But I'd like to see the dialogue kind of stray away from repeating itself between the MC and him. Stuff like only really bonding between helping him with math for the first several days, then after that they just constantly bond over their best friends. I do love the inclusion of Harvey, but it seems like the MC and Dozer use Harvey and Spencer as a form of chatting all too often. Coach's route: Honestly really want more to his book, I really liked reading it! Also I think he should drop the bomb and ask the MC to move in with him, especially after what happened in the last update (HOOBOY). This would give a chance for the MC to be an even bigger motivator than he already is. Getting to be closer to him, talk about things that are on his mind, motivate him to write more of his book (maybe even help with the process of a chapter). This would also give the MC more private and intimate time with his papa bear HEHEHE. Sorry for the huge ass post, hope some of my ramblings can help spark something for ya! I'm full of this kind of shit. And also congratulations on getting approved for that house man!! That's super fucking exciting! Keep up the amazing work my man!


I feel as if the main character needs more work. I don't know much about him to know his likes or dislikes. What is it that he wants to be what is it that he strives for? I have more questions for the main character then anyone else. These are sort of just ideas to get you're mind thinking for each route, for the dialogue. Coach: His School life, Family, Can I move in?, The story needs new drama maybe instead of the coach make it the MCs drama that coach helps him through. Chester: Family, His type &lt;3, Fear of something, Embarrassing times. Previous crushes. I personally go toward sad background for my characters maybe have the mc talk about a darker time in his life, darker then the homeless shelter and his parents. Darius: Family, What is it that you want to do more than anything?,Tease him more, Talk about what gets you most excited, Darius is a thrill seeker after all. What's he going to school for? Spencer: How long have you liked me?/ been gay? Past, relate to childhood, how they've changed or stayed the same. Hobbies other than his job school or tennis something smaller but personal. Dozer: Would you like to go to someplace with me? Maybe somewhere personal a place the mc goes to get away from the world. His job. Dozers route needs an enemy, drama. Please no more cliche injury healed by gentle giant he's fixed the mc enough, perhaps make it the other way around.


I agree with you with Harold asked the MC to move in with him but the choices could be I'd loved to but could you let have a day or two to think about it which in turn leads to him talking to Maria about it or just him saying no.


i'd like to see an interaction about the coach that you meet briefly in the side route days, like Mc asks the person he is talking to if they know the coach or know anything about him or maybe just explains that he met them and how strange it was


I know it's early in the route for Dozer but there is a hint of something that Dozer showed the MC for the first time to another person that his best friend (blanking on the name right now) would be so jealous of (if you played his route then you'll know what I'm referring to). I would like to see more of that kind of interaction between him and the MC


That is a great idea and I had never really considered it.


Though only a few somewhat sexual topics come up on Chester's route, I feel like nothing much is discussed. It isn't necessary I suppose, but you could add a bit more about that. When it comes up it usually stays kinda brief. Just an idea xP


Thank you! I'm so excited to get nestled in to my new home x3 There are so many ideas here, I can't go through and reply to each of them, but I love seeing all of this! Thanks so much :D


I think they'll get more into that topic when the time really rolls around ;3


Hmmm, okay. I hadn't thought of trying that out. This idea opens a whole slew of possibilites!


Aahhh yes, our bland, blank slate of the MC... We don't know much about him beyond how he acts, really... The best way I can define him really is through player choices (as I want players to feel like they are really the MC). It's tough to work with, but I'll see what I can pull off ;3 And thanks for all of the ideas too! There's a lot to work with.


I would love to see some slight muscle worship with dozer I meen the PEC bounce was the best

Hyou Vizer

be nice for dozer's sex scene they have flash animation to have them bounce in real time after touching them &gt;:3


I would love to know about Andrews own experiences with relationships. Perhaps his protective nature towards his brother has another level of depth.


I would like to know why chesters horns are tapered off while Andrews is not, also the whole living condition with grifter it would be interesting for home to spring the question on you. Dozer I would love to see him more involved with your personal health cause it's cute haha


when targeting Grifter, on the second date at the buffet - eating the strawberry off his fork: it could be more fun if MC did it seductively or teasingly and got more of a rise out of Coach and I think it would be fun to be able to talk to Coach about his book - as in the actual content, or have him ask the MC about it, or quiz you


So out of curiosity is it good that we win the carnival prize with couch because i feel like i miss some stuff with the guide and nervous i might be messing up.


Theres one thing I'd like to see the mc ask Harold. He noticed that he likes the color purple, and those choices tend to show more about them