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Here's the second one, guys!  Playing on Spencer's teasing side and censored from your eyes (for now.  print version is uncensored).  He is currently up for preorder!  Snag one when you can!  Gonna be ordering one to go alongside Coach myself >.>  Be sure to let CursedMarked and me know what you think!

On a side note...  still out of town for a few more days!



Donovan Grayson

Thats not fair, I want one to go with my Coach but I have to get a new phone first


It's good, but it's too different from Spencer's sprite in the game D: I really like the in game sprite

BadTech Games

Im in love.... ♡♡♡♡♡


O-O yes


That is a lot of condoms laying around him.


The artwork is very well drawn. I was confused as to why he had wrapped himself with a long blue ribbon, took me a minute to figure out what I was looking at. (I'm just going to blame my phone screen for being too small). Hope you see a lot of success with these, and the others too if you do them all.


Gotta Coach'em All! =3

Vic Viper

I'll just more or less copy/paste from Discord since you're not here. My first comment also got deleted here for some reason. I'm... surprisingly put off by this. As a reminder, this is the most naked Spencer sprite in-game : <a href="https://i58.servimg.com/u/f58/12/86/06/41/spence10.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://i58.servimg.com/u/f58/12/86/06/41/spence10.jpg</a> His proportions look more like CM's normal work than he looks like the sprites in the VN. It's alright for a fanart, but this is supposed to be closer to the sprites (though Harold looked different too). He looks... kinda both squished and chunkier for some reason, like he got chubbier. In the VN, despite being 5'11 and supposedly smaller than you, he never looked either scrawny or large, here he got larger and his front muscles are more defined, while he was mostly just fit with big arms in the sprites. He has a bit of this problem too on the title screen, though maybe it's just the perspective. He isn't tall nor small in the VN, but he certainly looks like he's tall standing in the sprites. His ass got pumped too, and I can tell it's a CM thing from his other artwork, though the only thing we got visually of Spencer's behind in the game is Reclamon's CG. Also minor nitpick, but his ears look smaller (same in the title screen), and his face looked different to me at first (so much I almost didn't recognised him), now I see it's like he's trying too hard to tease, it looks more goofy than sexy, though when your school for teasing is Dynamite Springs, I guess it's accurate. And I feel like I've been spoiled by this picture from Motoror, which I think is way more on point for Spencer : <a href="http://d.facdn.net/art/motoror/1485457987/1485457987.motoror_spencer_s.png" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://d.facdn.net/art/motoror/1485457987/1485457987.motoror_spencer_s.png</a> I feel like an ungrateful little shit for not liking it, I don't hate it, but it's hard for me to get into this. Cause I feel like I should like it. Kinda anxious about how he'll look in the sex scene, though Harold already looks different in the Daki, but during the sex scene still looks closer to the sprites. Spencer is probably just too exaggerated for my liking here, despite being my favourite character. I dunno, maybe it'll eventually grow on my, but for now I'll pass. Also holy shit that's a lot of condoms, should I read something into this ?


Oh. So THAT'S how his nipples look like. With his arms always folded over his chest, I couldn't see.

Hyou Vizer

i fully agree, spencer pillow art doesn't fit the VN version at all, he does look shorter and thicker here than in the game not saying it doesn't look great but when compared to game version, a lot of things like you said are off lol also i've seen reclamon's CG of spencer's butt in a leotard but it was actually in the game itself? i never seen that in the game O.o


Omg 😻😻😻😻😻😻😻


Coach's+Spencer's &gt; ///


Spencer's booty is amazing


I hope he is int like that ing :/


I will definitely grab one, but I do see what other people are saying. He does have the lightest build of the EA characters, yet here he is on the bulky side. Don't get me wrong, I still think he is awesome and I love CM's work. It is worth noting that people do seem interested in the dakis matching the sprites. I must admit that one of the things I like most about EA (besides the awesome stories) is that I get to see CM applying his talent to body types which appeal to me. Selfish, I know. :P But if a Darius daki appears, I do hope it is faithful to the sprite - he is my favourite and partially because of his appearance. Regardless, looking forward to seeing many more awesome things from you and CM. :-)


*breath heavily*