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Howdy, folks!  I had an idea recently for something that could possibly be fun to do on Patreon.  I won't get too far into the details right now, just in case it fizzles out due to my lacking ideas, but I can at least do the beginning part of it now (and it'll still be neat, I think)!

I want you all to help me create a character.  I've seen stuff on twitter and whatnot for people getting their followers to name a species, color, name, etc. for a character for them to create.

Well, I don't draw, but that doesn't mean we can't still do this and me commission someone to bring him to life!

Instead of having folks spout off different things for me choose, I made a small set of polls over on Google Forms.

This is a character that will exist within the fantasy world I've been building (like Endless Bounty, Tales of Lorithel and Engaging Destiny), so that's something to keep in mind!


If you are curious about the listed races, I made a small summary about each available one here >> 


So, if you want to check it out, go throw down some votes!  I'll let this sit until my next EcxA update (or unless it looks like things are one-sided!)

Thanks, folks!