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This is another thing I've thought about, in reagrds to merchandise.  Does artist consitency matter as much in merchandise?  Or should the focus be more about the overall art quality of the merch and how it represents the characters?

Looking towards the future here, so all opinions are welcome :)


Donovan Grayson

In my opinion merchandise should stick to the same art style/artist as the novel (there are exceptions of course) but who's the judge of wheather another artists art is up to quality?


When it comes to physical merchandise, the ones producing the merch would prolly be the best judges of the quality, and I'd be very specific about how I chose an artist for such things.


Interesting. Well, as long as the message and original meaning aren't lost I'd say multiple artists are good.


I have not yet desired any merch, but isn't one point that it looks like the VN? Otherwise it's indistinguishable from fan art.


hmmm, i feel like merchandise for ea should encapsulate the novel, part of that is the characters and part of it is cursedmarked's art style itself. i think artistic consistency would be very important even if it's not absolutely essential. if other artists are brought onboard it should be limited.


Quality is a subjective view that is influenced by personal perspective. Everyone likes different things so in my opinion as long as the creator is happy with the final product that is what is most important. Plus it is always interesting to see other peoples take on the same subject matter.


I think the artist does not matter. With that said, though, I think that it is important that guest artists do not go overboard with their personal interpretations. There has to be some consistency, otherwise it would be a bit extreme to have various scene drawings look like they are entirely different people. As long as that is achieved, I think having different artists would not be a bad thing at all. I so far LOVE Cursedmarkeds stuff!


I don't think it should matter when it comes to the artist. But quality of the merch and art should come first.


of course, as long as its decent, i think the artist doesnt matter, i think it would be nicier to grow with a specific art style, thats my opinion.


can we get a third option of 'consistency matters but it's not a dealbreaker'?


Do not really care too much about merchandise neccasarily. Id probably be very happy to buy some hoddie or t-shirts with prints, but im sure both i, and most other are here because we love your writing and your game that you create together with cursedmarked :) <3


I think using CM's art for now would be best. Those are the characters we know and love. Once the full VN is out and it gets a bigger following, then you could reconsider. Fanarts now feels mostly like that: fanart. It's nice, but not the real deal. Merchandise made from art other then 'the original' would have a bit of a cheap bootleg feel to me.


For me It is similar to what Dkreme and Raistlin are saying . It will be hard to change up artists and keep things similar cause every artist has a style of drawing . If you do go with different artists I would finish this novel first but then do like American horror story and the new tv series feud where every new season their is a new story line and that way it will keep things fresh and making consistency with the art easier.


Cause your lastest Dozer on smartphone with another artist is still looking good and consistency. That's mean CM character's now awesome strong & steady ;). I hope the merchandise could be anyone but still keep coherence.


Just to expand on what I said... EGPE has it right that the guest artist that did the latest Dozer piece did very very well and I think that guest artists will be a GREAT idea if they do something similar in not changing what CM created so drastically that it would be unrecognizable without the obviousness of us knowing which character line we chose to go down.

Monte Nunn

I think you've made good choices so far, I have faith in your ability to judge which artist works well with you.


Personally, I feel as though it would bother me if there was a variation of art styles rather than one single one.


I Love the Art Style It Makes the game look best with how well it fits in with the background they pop out more in some places and i can Rly tell how they are feeling with there facial emotion Keep doing Ur Best Love DVA!