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Hey guys, I'm here to gather some information and dish out some as well!

-Firstly, I'd like to say... PLEASE, read my posts when I make updates to the visual novel.  I've had so many questions after this update in regards to finding the links for them, even though I left that information in the post that I made.  Please, please, please read that.  I know you're excited to get the update (which requires a lot of reading too!), but it'll make all of our lives easier if you read the post before sneding me messages or making posts.  And for my new-comers, do please look over the FAQ  in regards to bugs/errors/typos and such.  I work alone on this (beyond the art), so getting questions I've already left answers easy to find tend to eat up time.

-Next, this is in regards to all of you that played the IDEKA Halloween Special 2016.  I need to tweak the script and add some extra hints in before we re-release the game.  But I want to know from you that played it, what was the most difficult/obnoxious thing to figure out?  Some of the clues were really... obscure, and I want to adjust that.  I know a few things I need to adjust, but sometimes, it's not as clear to the creator what the issues are in puzzles.

-Lastly, aside from the Dakimakura, would you be interested in other physical EA products?  Such as what?  I was chatting with the Furry Dakimakura  site, and they seem to offer wall scrolls as well, but I wanted to see what other types of merch you guys might like to see.  On top of that, is there a website you frequent that you'd suggest looking at having said products produced by?

Thank you all for your time and your continued support of this project!  I seriously can never express enough how much it means to me.  And I was tickled to hear that there was talk about it at FC this past weekend.  It's really mind-boggling that people like it so much!  Thank you so much, guys :D






Hmm, let's see. - I managed the math puzzle, but it took some patience. I wouldn't be surprised if a few fell off there, but it was satisfying when it worked. - I didn't get the mushroom path at all and had to find a spoiler somewhere to get that. - I didn't know that you had to say hello and goodbye to an oujia board, and spent a lot of time playing through that part trying not to offend the spirit (the spirit seems miffed when asked about gender and a few other things, I thought that the part where something falls off the wall was the sign that you had effed up). - Had to google the Konami code, but I knew it was a "thing". But it is only mentioned briefly, so I was confused when I couldn't reproduce it. Should probably repeat? The final "best" scene was worth the work, though, and I enjoyed it a lot :) PS: Raistlin, if you do SHIFT+ENTER, you get a line shift :)

Cody Furlong

What's the best option to pick when you are on your date to the amusement park with the coach? It seems to me that he doesn't like the roller coaster, and he doesn't like the spinning cups of the carousel, and won't ride the horse either He seems to like the carage option at first, but then it makes him start to talk about his ex, so none of the options really seem like good choices. But I have to pick one of them to do, before it gives me the option to move onto the games.


We had some... conflicting ideas about the Rosetta stone, and we ended up taking the more obscure route (unfortunately). The image posted with the update had a hint for that, as Kirin has an actual instagram account, and she uploaded a picture of the stone before her phone was destroyed. Her account can be found on the image posted! I think a tweak to the dialogue to better inform people of that is needed. Thanks for the other feedback too. From what I've been reading, things are pretty consistent across the board.


Ahh yes, there were many things to unlock there, and it really required people to play through multiple times >


The website I linked offers those, so perhaps that's something I should check with!


I need to find someone to make plushies, it sounds like!


Ahaha, the box gave a lot of people an issue, but while it might have seemed like an "obvious" answer, it wasn't really. I actually had ti reword the text of their conversation, cause they said the word open a few times, and I was like... I can't have them say it at all! The math thing, I'll prolly add another number or two into it to make it easier to solve. And yeah, I gotta add some better hints to the Mario RPG deal!


The key bit seemed to throw off a bunch of people too, so some adjustments need to be made there, it seems.


Ahh, the directions bit there at the end was something I never really took into consideration. I might be able to better convey that with some dialogue changes.


Ahhh, I'm always glad to see that my interactions are appreciated. I read it all, but at times, it can be overwhelming to reply to it all (especially as the fanbase grows!). I'll try to keep up with it though! You're not the only one that seemed to come across that problem, with either putting in the full number sequence or just the answer. I think a minor change in the dialogue should fix that. There is ONE story about Dozer (I created him like.. 10 years before EA). I had never really put much thought into doing something about everyone else though.


It was a lot of fun to make, so I'm glad to see people enjoyed it at least! The mushroom puzzle stuff will need some extra tweaking, it sounds like.


Haha, the rules I learned just for making this. I had to look up all sorts of stuff to get it right! But, I'm seeing consistent data here. Thanks for the feedback :D


I see, I see, thanks for that info! I'll definitely be making some adjustments. And I'm glad you enjoyed that ending there ;3


Ride the roller coaster and make a fat joke (it doesn't really affect anything, but it's... silly)! Ride the Bumper cars and Ask why is face is red and I don't think it matters if you ride the carousel, actually.


Just finished 1.30 after whatever version the free demo was in the middle of December, LOVING what I'm seeing. Flirty Spencer... yes. Just yes. *Swoons* The writing on these guys is spectacular. : )


Just curious, when were you planning on updating the route guides? Are you waiting on anything specific or are you just doing them whenever?


I'll update them again at some point. The prime reason I made them was due to people having to restart their games constantly, but since that's not the case anymore, I haven't been in a hurry to add more to them.


When's the new update for the game arriving? As I'm really looking forward to seeing more of the story.~


I'm sorry my payment this month didn't go through! I pledged for a reason, if you want I can delete the 1.31 updates version from my library....I'm just really sorry


The game looks really cool there is the version of it for android?


For the IDEKA game, there isn't atm. I should fix that!