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I'm sorry if I've been slow to reply to any of you, or if I've missed replying to something.  This month was overwhelming with things like that!  Really, I read everything you guys post or send to me, but there are times when I don't reply right away and forget.  I appreciate all the feedback, suggestions and supportive messages so much.  It makes me so happy to see these things :D  And pleeeease, if you do fanart, send it my way (and I'll share on my blog even)!  I love seeing that stuff.

Are there any certain things you'd like to learn about any of the characters?  Sometimes, I run short on ideas for conversation, so if you guys have something you'd like to see the cast talk about, let me know down below!  These things help spur ideas.

And, if you get an exception on Coach's day early on with update 1.29, just ignore it, and it'll skip right past it.  You'll miss like one line of dialogue, cause I messed up something.  Not everyone will get that, but just in case you do, just hit that ignore button.

I'll be updating the public demo to 1.28 in Mid-January for anyone that isn't a Patron too!

I'm currently looking into launching the builds on Android right now too, so I hope to have that figured out by the next update or sooner!

Lots of things on my plate, so please look foward to what I bring you all :D



Oh I have many questions! You don't need to answer them all too, some are silly. Is there a 'canon' path? It would be Spencer's? Is there any background pairing that happens in other paths? Dozer/Chester seems heavily implied. What up with Maria and Richard? There is any chance for Chester's brother with her?


Happy New YEAR Dyne! :D


happy new year!

Solitary Hyena

OOh awesome, a new update! Thanks for the New Years gift!


Happy new year and EA ON ANDROID?? SIGN ME UP FAM !!!


How many people live in the homeless shelter?


Happy new year Dyne! As always you are amazing and I love your work :D


Shiit, credit card topped, payment couldn't be processed, but it says I can try again on my settings, does that mean I'll be able to try again whenever, and get through the moment I pay my credit card? If so, that'll make me feel way better, as I get paid later this week!


A couple things I had been wondering. There seem to be a couple hints about a potential history between Spencer and Darius, it would make sense given that the mutual animosity they hold towards one another goes beyond what you would expect for just not agreeing with things the other says or does. Another is the bracelet that Spencer wears, is there a story behind that, he must almost never take it off given that even when the MC dreams about him he is wearing it. And one other that is more of a personal curiosity. Where does love factor into all of these relationships, in the most recent update it seems like the coach almost said those three little words that make things so much more complicated, but just in general most of these seemingly build off the premise of a casual acquaintanceship that builds into a friendship and a mutual attraction that leads to deeper feelings, or in Spencer's case a long standing friendship that becomes something more, again with the mutual attraction factoring there. In any case are the characters even looking that far ahead or just focusing on the here and now, do they have a long term relationship in mind, do they plan to spend the rest of their lives together, is it just a fling, things of that nature. So far none of them have actually addressed the concept of love, so it is probably a topic that will come up eventually, regardless it's something I was curious about. Also in case it wasn't clear I'm not necessarily looking for answers here, just throwing out a few potential topics the characters can use for discussion .


There is no canon path, to me~ I've hinted at some, but I haven't revealed any yet. I'm really considering pushing some people together though ;) Initially, when I made MAria and Richard, I planned on something more between them, but Maria has developed so much into a support character, and I've barely mentioned Richard any... that idea is kinda gone right now. As for Andrew, I don't have plans on hooking him up with anyone right now.


Only a few, considering you never see anyone >.>


From my understanding, Patreon lets you run it again a little later if it's declined. I'm not sure HOW long, but I've seen it up to a week, at least.


Lots of hinting around those two. I've left it open to where if I want to go that route, I can, or if I have another idea, I can work into that as well. I've not fully decided where I want to go with them yet. Spencer wears it for Breast Cancer awareness, but I haven't delved too deeply into that just yet. As for Love... Hmm, that's a good one to think about to. I've been writing them all as the "here and now" type, but haven't really thought much about them talking about the topics. I think once I hit that point though, more stuff will be revealed.


is there any particular reason why you've now given dozer the range of expressions he currently has?


Dozer has started opening up more and more, so it's time that he starts becoming more expressive!


I just played Dozers route for the first time. I need more.


I pledge 10 dollars a month for your amazing work! I love Coach and I'm playing his route...I need so much more of him! <3


Gotta say i'm loving Chester, all though Vernon is a scumbag that mootaku bit had be dying xD, love that all the characters have their own niches, I'm happy to be able to support the process, great work!!! :D


Hehe, the support is so very appreciated! Glad you're enjoying it so much :D


Thank you, thank you! Chester is just the best, isn't he? I can't wait to get further along with him =3

Cody Furlong

Will we be seeing the Coach's ex-wife showing up to interfere with our player and the coach to try to break them up? I had a number of ideas about how that might go if you are interested.


Excited for the Android version.