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Sorry, it's a little later than I meant for this to be out.  For those of you that don't follow me on twitter...  Had a vet appointment for the puppy today, and thanks to wrecks on the way home, our trip took nearly 2 hours longer than intended.  To make matters worse, while trying to build distributions for the update, my computer crashed.  It crashed 6-7 times before I finally got the builds and was able to upload them.  Now, I just have to figure out WHY my computer has been crashing lately.

This update was a little harder to work on.  I've had some big distractions the past two weeks, so it was a little harder to focus (the puppy being one of them).  So, with this update, I also added a whole slew of new variables.  I decided to make 20 generic variables for everyone's route.  I might hate myself for this, but this means that the game will register these new variables this next fresh start you do, and from that point on, you won't have to restart for a while (unless I do something crazy).  But, I'll be sure to let you guys know that before the update. 

~ Day 15 Coach - Alright guys, prepare yourself for a doozy of an update with Coach.  This one was hard for me to write, but I hope you all enjoy it.  I like how things turned out, but boy…. We have new expressions for him too (thanks, CursedMarked!).  I really would like to know how you guys feel about this one. 

~ Day 12 Spencer - This update wasn't a big one due to the size of his last one (and there was setup for anything to happen this day!), but I still gave you guys a little something fun there, and some more story stuff.    

~One patron suggested a dialogue history, so I've implemented that.  One thing about it though is that it replaces the rollback feature completely, but you can view dialogue up to 100 lines back now in a new window that pops up.  Labeled as LOG on the quick menu on the bottom right.  Thoughts on this? 

~ I noticed the quick menu also only works when you click the text and not the button, so..  That's something I'd like to fix. 

Here ya go, guys!  Please, do not redistribute~



Please be sure to check out the FAQ before sending me questions about bugs or crashes!




Hah, first


I'm getting an error when I try to open the zip file. Anyone else having trouble or is it just a problem on my end?


Auugh, it's seems the image gallery version is having an issue. Prolly cause of my crashes while trying to build it. The Non-gallery version is working fine atm, so check that one out for now! I'll get this one fixed.


Thanks for the update!!


Thanks for the update was going to go to bed decided to check Patreon glad I did.


Thanks for the update! Appreciate all the work you put into this!


I wake up , unable to go to work due to a back injury, and I see this beautiful thing. Thank You! <3


Yay! Finally get to be Harold's bf! Not even thinking about the sex I just want that sweet teddy bear happy. Great job


I know I completely agree with you there. When Harold said that he was thinking of killing himself and how your text saved him I was bawling my eyes out.


I hope your back is feeling better soon! And I'm glad this could entertain you a bit.


Thank you for supporting too. It helps keep things going~


My precious Harold, he was hurt so badly. He tried building himself up after dianna left only for her to come back and break him down. Jeff swoops in to help build him up again, or....will you break him down so badly he can never be put back together again. This struck such an emotional cord with me, and it only made it worse because i played this after i watched the latest episode of DR3: Despair Side....i watched my waifu die. So i had to walk away from the laptop for about 10 minutes. But at least you're slowly giving harold hope to keep on living.


First off I want to say I am not a fan of the log, I much prefer being able to scroll back and forth with the mouse wheel or at the very least having the 'back' button there for the sake of utility. The update itself while shorter than some of the more recent ones was still enjoyable. Spencer gives a small preview of what what the future might hold, and reinforces his preference for total honesty while showing that he can be completely reasonable when presented with potentially upsetting information as long as it is done so in a straightforward and direct manner. (something I'd say the MC should have picked up on sooner given their history but whatever) On a random side note it occurred to me that it must take a lot of willpower on Spencer's part to overcome his inherit specieal desires and not chase the tennis balls all over the court whenever he plays. The Coach presents an interesting look at life from an emotional standpoint and the depths people can descend into when they aren't in a completely stable emotional state. Personally I think people would find that life is so much simpler and easier to manage when you can shut down all emotion and remain strictly rational and logic driven, but I do realize that is not easy to do, it takes a great deal of practice to become that apathetic and disconnected form everything. An example is when Diana came on to Coach Grifter and his emotional response was to go for it, but when he stepped back and looked at the situation logically he saw it cause more harm than good so he said no. Perhaps it would be simpler to say think before you act, and listen to your head rather than your heart. Overall I look forward to seeing where this goes from here, and the other routes as well.


I don't know if I could keep breaking him. I don't have it in me!


Thanks for the input about the log. I might have it set to where you can have both (I just need to build and test it). We have to remember how... stupid I have written the MC to be at times though >.> You'd think he'd learn a thing or two by now. I think something is FINALLY sticking though. The primal urge to chase the ball is there, I bet. I wonder just how much he can handle before he breaks... Though, you've given me a silly idea to play with, so I'm gonna make a note a note for later. Life would be so much easier if you could be that way, but then again, it would be that much more boring! I wanted to give the player a bit more control on his route. There are 2 outcomes to what the Coach does though, depending on your relationship with him, for anyone else that might be curious~