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Do you guys prefer scenes that tend to play out with little to no interaction, or do you prefer scenes that require you to interact with them and might require certain actions to be done before progressing to the climax?



I kinda like both, so I feel I shouldn’t vote... it’s nice either way. A mix of the both for the routes is nice (I guess it feels closer to a real situation where sometimes you take the initiative and go to work, or you are the one being worked over... so to speak)


The interaction is actually a fresh take on sex scenes in VN's in my opinion. It's nice.


I'm good either way!


There are times a non-interactive scene works best, but I think it’s fun to have interaction, especially if the end result is more explosive


I like that the game offers both, but my favorite ones are the more interactive ones.

The Mysterious M3tav0X

I mean, I can definitely enjoy either style, but if I'm being honest, I definitely prefer interactive sex scenes over non-interactive ones. Interactive scenes just make me feel more involved in what's happening; like, if we consider these types of games and scenes as wish fulfillment, the interactive scenes are definitely better for projecting onto the character and keeping me immersed in what's going on. Does that make sense?? 😅


An interactive scene would be a welcome change. I would be amazed if these interactive scenes will give you the option for being dominant or submissive, just for variety.

Angelic Bard - Pflegehund

The way interactive scenes have been in all routes, I feel so much more engaged and heard. I really, REALLY love the thought, time, and effort put into making the scene feel more intimate

Mar Lupus

I kinda like both. The scenes in EA have been really good so far. Other games have made sex scenes too complicated and took forever to manage to finish, but at the same time non-interactive scenes can come across as boring. It all comes down to how they are made.


I personally find the more engaging scenes to be much better. Especially if you follow Spencer's guide, and realize that the sex scene on Day 20 can actually go in several different ways. I know that's probably hell for you to program, but I found it to be very worth it in the end.


I agree with the idea that it's generally more immersive to transpose your own personality within the progression of the story. There are moments where it can be really alien to the person playing when the MC is particularly submissive and/or dominant. I'd say you have a good balance so far of no interaction sex scenes where every 2/3 days there's some scenes that you can't input on, but I think there should be some major moments within the story's progression where you have more control over what's going on. Maybe even different outcomes and branches of the sex scenes developing off your decisions. Just my 2 cents, hope it helps

William Longstaff

Only one I had a hard time with was chesters, for some reason he jerks himself off and I click all areas he likes be bathing him, I followed the guide, maybe I missed a spot


Interactions are cool, but requiring certain actions to cause the climax doesn't sound like my thing. Maybe a "skip to climax" option pops up in the corner during the interaction? That'd be good.


I like both equally, but those with interaction have more fun!

Bob Grannan

Interactive is good -- I will say that I have enjoyed many where they start with interaction and choice, and then they have some portion (or often end) with a little more straightforward path that you can just let play out.

Darth Khannicus

I'd prefer interactive if I had to choose, but either is fine :) Sidebar, I was actually thinking about this today. Is the goal to give all of the characters a scene like this? That I know of, our boi Darius doesn't have one and I'd very much be interested in it.


Interactions makes the scene more interesting and engaging in my opinion.

Leo Fairmane

I like the interactivity, but I'm kind of a fan of both. It's nice to be able to skip the interactivity when I just wanna see the porn x3


Harold's first anal scene is by far the best in the game so far. More like that!


If some think it's too much maybe have it as an option. Personally I like/love the interaction, it adds depth and meaning to the experience, something this game has over others. It's interactions have meaning in conversations and choices, why shouldn't the rest of it. Maybe having it optional would be best so everyone is happy 😁


I love the interaction a lot, as it makes the scene feel more intimate overall. My only gripe is the last time I played through part of Chester's route, I got stuck not being able to click the area I was supposed to and it seemed to specific on having to click a specific pixel. However, this is based on a much older build at the time, so if this has been fixed there is no issue!

Steev Heart

well, first: thank you for asking... second: there are alot of VN that provides the first, your game was the one, at least i played, that provided the later, i enjoyed it.. however.. there should be a button to skip it only if you previously reached the climax with this character before.. since we are following your updates, from my side, keep repeating the same thing gets a bit dull in time..


Interactive as in where you can explore yourself is nice. Interactive as in "hit spacebar 100 times to fill up the bar" is bad.

Curt Clark

Both have their place, but I feel it's better to accommodate for the fact that the player will likely be 'interacting' with themselves.


Huge fan of both and each has their own places, but personally I believe that non-interactive scenes should be longer as in dialogues and images, which might be alot of work in comparison.


I think a great thing so far is the fact that there's *both*. One lets you be playful and see how characters react to different things while the other just takes you for the ride and lets you feel the passion between both parties. I think Andovar and Scott hits it well. Interactivity should involve exploration and non-interactive scenes would need more dialogue and images to really attain the biggest impact but yeah. The presence of both really makes the game that much more special


Definitely both with more dialogue and image for non-interactive.

Gregory Span

For this game specifically I feel like I preferred the interactive scenes because they were POV based, which felt more intimate especially because I get to just admire the the body of the person in whichever route I'm playing. Dozer's scene in the woods, Chester's scene in the bath, etc.