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Howdy, folks! Update time!

= Dwayne Day 17 - Hard to believe we're already at the halfway point to his route being done! Richard and Leon are both stopping by, so you'll be spending time with the two of them and Dwayne.

= There isn't anything else to mention with this update, so just check it out!

= As a preemptive, the saves issue I spoke of in this post, it will take effect with the next housekeeping update in the middle of June. I plan on converting everything over to the newest version of Renpy, so just be ready for that!

= It seems a handful of folks weren't aware there is a Patreon Discord! You can go into Settings > More > Connected apps and attach your discord to Patreon, then you should be able to access it after that!

Itch Link (please use this first if you can!)- https://dynewulf.itch.io/10-ea-patreon-download/patreon-access

One Drive - https://1drv.ms/f/s!Aojwdb9M1Oyti4AVkSv_ow9vVNwfbQ?e=rUtuU8

= Thanks so much for the continued support with typos and other errors with the Google Docs page.   It helps tremendously!  Don't forget, you can post image  errors there too.  Please keep errors posted to the reports page and not in comments/messages to me~

= Don't forget, you can see my update schedule here!  It's updated through the end of the year, so you can see what's coming!

Thank you all so much for the support! I really do appreciate you all and everything you do to support me.


Bobby Thornbody

I love how the day went, but your little commentary at the end has me nervous...


Loved the chapter, kinda like Rickie a lot here ahahahahaha, Im nervous/excited for the pool party now o.o...


Not sure if this is the right place to report this, but Everytime I pull up the log on the newest Android version I get an 'unexpected exception' error message 😭

Ronald Schweninger

Not sure if anyone can help but I am stuck trying to complete Dozers Gallery and I have just one missing. It's the second image in the second row, I think he is lifting weights?