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Howdy, folks! Richard's update is here and good to go!

-Richard Day 22 - I can't say much about this day without spoiling things, but you're in for a day.

-I added 3 new "Dream Intro Kisses! Harold's was the only one there, but now we have Spencer, Richard and Dwayne as well, so you can see how those look.

-Fixed something with Harold's epilogue with Darius's mane triggering incorrectly. His mane / shaved sprite and such should function properly now according to how you ended Darius's route.

-Other than that stuff, I have nothing else to report for this update! Hard to believe May is already here. If you haven't, be sure you check out the last post I made! The problem with saves I mentioned there will probably occur in June with the next housekeeping update I do, so be mindful of that!

Itch Link (please use this first if you can!)- https://dynewulf.itch.io/10-ea-patreon-download/patreon-access

One Drive - https://1drv.ms/f/s!Aojwdb9M1Oytiv1Q3X9wQ6HQpBUqcA?e=f9A5wz

-Thanks so much for the continued support with typos and other errors with the Google Docs page.   It helps tremendously!  Don't forget, you can post image  errors there too.  Please keep errors posted to the reports page and not in comments/messages to me~

-Don't forget, you can see my update schedule here!  It's updated through the end of the year, so you can see what's coming!

Thank you all for your feedback and input on the stuff I do! And thank you all so much for your support <3



Fun Fact: 3 Years ago (5/1/2021) was Richards First Day! Now here we are at 22 days, three years later! Each one was worth the wait. You are amazing Dyne!!!


Maybe it's just me, but the android link doesn't seem to be installing. Tried downloading from both sources.


Hmm, I'll need to see of other folks are having a similar issue.


Hard to believe it's been that long already! That's wild, haja