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Direct Play Link: https://iframe.mediadelivery.net/play/27377/3f8adcc6-bbc4-4a6b-87b8-cea6ee69e1a6


Chance - Acid Rap_Opt.mp4


La’Que Newby

About halfway through, and I can definitely understand the points you’re making on this project. I personally like it, but I can see why most people wouldn’t. One thing to note is that Chance has said on multiple occasions that Lil Wayne is his favorite rapper, and I think you can clearly hear the influence on this project. I remember playing this when it first came out and even my dad had to ask me if it was Wayne. I know you’ve only done the first Carter so far, but even with that project, the way Wayne raps clearly influenced Chance- the vocal inflections, the somewhat silliness mixed with real topics, and the free flowing nature of it. I don’t know if Chance freestyles like Wayne does, but the way his verses are pretty sporadic makes it come off as like fun freestyles he did with his friends. I agree with an earlier comment that Coloring Book is a pretty much 180 from this. Some of the things you find annoying on this project are not nearly as existent on Coloring Book.


the social experiment is a great follow up to this with chance