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Thursday night (7pm PST) I'll be doing a test run for a new stream format. The idea of the stream is a Discord voice chat where Discord members (any of you if you've connected your account to Patreon) can "call in" and talk for a few minutes on a weekly topic.

For this stream, we'll be discussing AI Music.

I'm making a message about this specifically here as only Patrons will be open for participation. YouTube chat will be present, but they won't be able to call in.

No camera is required, just a mic. The chat room works as a lobby where you raise your hand if you're interested in chatting and then I send an invite. I'll pick people one at a time, moving them in and out of the lobby/stage areas in Discord.

Please keep in mind that not everyone will get a chance to talk. We did a test run of this last night, and there were already more hands than I could keep up with. I'll do my best to call on people, but it'll be a lot like calling a radio station—not easy to get through.

If you can't make the stream, it'll be available on YT after since it'll only be chat with no copyrighted material being used.

Hope to see you there!


Elijah Jagne

Damn sucks that I’m working then


Sounds great , I will be there. I will have my technical issues figured out this time ( Mr. Morale in discord )


Can someone bless me with instructions for joining the discord?


Sounds chaotic and fun as it sounds cool

Logan Blake

this is awesome

Josh Burcham

I love call in shows!

Brian Estepa

Amazing idea! I've always wanted a chance to talk with you, but never felt confident enough in any area of discussion to reach out and plan a whole hour+ long conversation


So excited for this


Bob you are my favorite YouTuber

ryan cortes

Is this going to be every Thursday?