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With this month's BUAG completed, I'm planning on doing my 64 album bracket elimination for this Thursday's live stream. It'll be at 7pm PST on YouTube, the normal place/time. Come watch me agonize over which album is better all the way to the final winner!

For Friday and my reaction to "Scaring the Hoes Vol 1," I'll be doing my first ever test of live streaming my recorded reaction. The goal is to keep my format as close to normal as possible (mostly ignoring chat), but we'll see how it goes. If you wanna hang out for that, it'll be on Twitch... probably starting around 8-8:15am PST.

Hope to see ya there!



I still have no idea what the point is streaming the Friday reactions if you’re not Doing anything with the live bit?

Bobby porter

I don’t think this is a going to be a good measuring tool of what reacting to an album live is like. Since it’s an album most people are likely not going to have heard or have opinions on yet, there isn’t going to be the worry of people putting things into your head about the album during the reaction, hyping up songs, etc


This is madness, Bob! Sounds like a can't-miss stream


I have no plans of live streaming older albums, only new ones. I guess I've never mentioned that... just knew it in my head and forgot I never told anyone lol If this format works, I'll only do it for real time drops (or so is the current plan)


Simply a test, nothing more. Maybe it makes it fun for people watching? Maybe it captures some buzz? Maybe it doesn't? Maybe it falls flat on its face? Maybe those who are worried that streaming will ruin the reaction find that it doesn't change the video much at all? Don't know 'til you find out.


Yeah I guess. I don’t see the gain of Doing it live even if it does work like it’s the exact same but with a chat on screen that takes attention away from the viewer. But a test couldn’t hurt I guess hope it goes well. Very excited for the reaction still

Bobby porter

Oh shoot gotcha, I think you thought too highly of us to be on the same wavelength 🤣

Ian Lewis

I’m so stoked for this reaction, Bob. I have a feeling that the record will be divisive, but ultimately amazing. I know you’ll be avoiding Chat so it won’t impact the video- but that might just be the next step? Having a discussion with the community immediately after your reaction?


We'll see where it goes. My main goal with live streaming album reactions is for there to be minimal disruption to the video itself. But I don't know how that plays out until I actually do it. I'll probably post a poll sometime this weekend to get feedback too (if people liked the live stream format or not)

Ian Lewis

That’s probably best. May be difficult to plan without knowing how the format works. Regardless, I’m excited to see how it goes! It’s been quite the ride so far.


New 100 gecs album is 🔥

Jay Dog

Bro that’s literally half the announcement


Why didn't you just wait to do a 128 album bracket?