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Pretty long video, but with the new PC cranking out optimized files literally 4-5x faster, I've already uploaded to Bunny and have the file processing. Now we're all just waiting on them, and not so much on me. Enjoy!



I love when I forget you do these every Friday and get a nice surprise

Bobby porter

Heaviest matter of the universe goes hard

Bobby porter

Can’t believe you don’t remember the sample on ms fat booty being on jids album

Paul Salvador Estrada

Such an amazing album, I banged it through my whole shift last night in preparation.




The line you kept referring to "I start to think and then I sink..." is a line from I know You Got Soul by Eric B and Rakim. Also, I heard, Umi Says was an onstage freestyle that was taken to the studio.


You doing your part and its touching more people in so many ways you don't know. You ARE doing something great ......this channel is changing people in ways you can't imagine.....thank you.


i highly recommend the documentary 'Rumble' on netflix, changed the way i view blues and rock music! its awesome


I feel like Bob got emotionally affected to the point his heavy lyrical analysis turned off after Umi Says. I’m curious for him to revisit the back half and what he says about it Wednesday. Main reason being, I actually think Mathematics is the greatest lyrical hip hop song ever and he only really touched on a few lines and moved on pretty quickly. Curious what others think about the back half.


You got SO close to recognizing that the instrumental on Ms. Fatbooty is sampled on Surround Sound by JID. I had only listened to this project once a few years ago so I never picked up on the connection but I IMMEDIATELY recognized the sample as being the same.