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Direct Play Link: https://iframe.mediadelivery.net/play/27377/42b5b064-ee05-421f-aee1-0f5d4d6ed9af

This one works (at least for me). RTJ1 re-up has already begun


RTJ - 2.mp4



I'm still in the middle of this review and I just wanted to say that you shouldn't be afraid to take a week off if you need to. Like I'm sure I speak for most of us when I say if theres anything that's on your mind and you're ever not in the music listening mindspace you shouldnt feel forced to sit down and record. The events of the past week have been hard for ALL of us and I cant IMAGINE having that added layer of fear, anger, and concern that having a child in school might bring. So if there's ever a time where you just feel like "man I cant stop thinking about X, the last thing I want to do is have to talk to a camera for an hour", then you should definitely take some time to yourself.


Loved these reactions. I totally understand that you prefer Killer Mike right now. But for me, especially on his solo albums, El-P takes the cake. Killer Mike is extremely great at throwing out amazing one-liners that are super in-your-face, but clever. El-P is the king at drenching his songs and lyrics in metaphors. After close to a decade of listening to him, I'm STILL dissecting some of the stuff he talks about. His subtle and abstract way of rapping is why he's still in my top 5 rappers. And don't even get me started on El-P's production lol


Ill continue the sentiment that you really should dive deep into El-P's lyrics, he makes a lot of deep literary, biblical, and just general esoteric references that will go over your head (hes from the MF DOOM and Aesop Rock school of rhyming in that respect) but are absolutely worth tearing apart and thinking about. I highly highly recommend his album Cancer 4 Cure, one of the best albums of the 2010s imo and if you like his beats on this you will adore that album


Still waiting to see what constitutes this apparent widespread bribery in American politics? Lobbying isn't bribery, if thats what you mean. Lobbying is literally just how politics works.


A fun little amusement for you, not for review, would be Meow the Jewels, a version of RTJ2 with instrumentals replaced by cat noises. Anyway, it's been cool to revisit these two albums through your videos. When I was in college, I listened to RTJ1 nonstop during a winter break, stuck at home with parents who fought and vented at any time of day or night. Maybe now the debut pales in comparison to RTJ2, but at the time it absorbed my attention with its witty anger and spacy electronic melange. I know you preferred Killer Mike's lyrics, and even though I know way more about El-P's discography, I actually agree that Mike's just something special as a rapper. I'd be down for you following your curiosity about Killer Mike. R.A.P. Music (or RTJ0, LOL) is great, and Southern rap is a deep scene, even leaving aside popular trends like crunk music, snap rap, and trap music.


If someone hasn't mentioned it yet, El-P's album I'll Sleep When You're Dead features Trent Reznor (this was around the time that With Teeth came out, El-P remixed Only on the EDIETS EP), it's also a super dense almost sci-fi album, definitely worth checking out along with Cancer 4 Cure and the collab with Killer Mike's R.A.P Music. I also think you'd be intrigued by Aesop Rock (he was on El-P's old label Def Jux) his lyrics will hurt your brain.

Paul Polyanskyy

very based, very cool willing to give you $2 a month for as long as you wanna keep doing this man


RTJ3 goes crazy


Yep. I would love to see Cancer 4 Cure and Rap Music. The solo albums that brought them together.


Ahh yes the argument that incentivizing the politicians with money and power (and even stock options) is legal so it’s fine. I’m sure that in no way has any sway on legislation that gets passed. If we are in a system in which corporations or extremist religious groups can decide what happens regardless of what the majority believes then I believe said system is shitty and should be changed. Nothing HAS to work the way it does. At the end of the day we made these systems up.


between these RTJ reactions and TTT's 'Awaken, My Love' reaction, this week has been my favorite within the multiverse


truly is the best universe out there. rivals marvel and star wars fr


El-P is a lot more raw, but in the same neighbourhood as Aesop Rock in that regard


RATM is doing their final tour this year with RTJ, you should go!


You should do RTJ3 and 4 like this too. They book end the trump presidency and you can tell by the content. RTJ4 was actually released early during the protest after the murder of George Floyd.


The Kendrick reference to Killer Mike is from TPAB. Kendrick says that if critics actually cared about "when Hip Hop was about the rapping" then Killer Mike would be a Platinum rapper.