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Vimeo/Bunny Update

A quick update on the video hosting issue for Patreon.



stop worrying about it, though if / when the vimeo gets pulled, i think 1 post would be the way to go to avoid spamming the inbox and whatnot.


Thank you Bob for all of your patience and hard work through this. It wasn't anything for us. All the work was on your end. I like to think most people would rather give the two bucks than go through some seedy bob the poppop underworld full of all sorts of sin and unknown crimes against the human race. But I might be wrong.


I think it’s a good idea to charge $5-7 to participate in monthly polls. Appreciate your hard work but you deserve more.


i wouldnt post all the links either. i'd beequally as paranoid. Thanks for all the hard work man. Love the reactions.


You’re entirely too considerate and thorough for any of us to be upset, and like Dylan said above, all the work was on your end. You’ve done an awesome job of keeping it from affecting new videos, which for me (and probably all of us) is great because we love experiencing your reactions and perspective, not because we feel like we’re getting ripped off if there are any hiccups. And if anyone is actually upset about it, I’ll happily send them $2 myself. 😆 Does Bunny have a video password feature like Vimeo does? My guess is it’s not likely that most people would go through the trouble of signing up for the Patreon just to get the links and share them, and a password would be just a deterrent that could be bypassed if they share that too, but maybe if you notice a sudden spike in views that doesn’t match the Patreon community size you could change the password without deleting the video? Not sure if that’s actually an option, just a thought. Whatever happens next with hosting and whatnot, we’re here because of the perspective you bring to some of our favorite music, and for me I feel like $2 is a steal for the effort you put in. So thank you.


Ditto, and I think most people feel the same. It reminds me how streaming became hella popular and piracy decreased (not disappeared, but 🤷🏻‍♂️) because the cost was reasonable enough to just pay a bit monthly for guaranteed quality, convenience, and access. I’m blessed enough that $2/month isn’t prohibitive and I know not everyone is that fortunate, but between free on YouTube and cheap on here, I’d say Bob is making it as accessible as anyone could be asked. All that to say, I don’t think you’re wrong. 😊


Who knows though. Some people gotta get that poppop however they can get it. There's fiends out there.

Brock Asher

I’ve been loving the content. Keep doing what you’re going You have every right to bitch btw


There's no PW feature that I know of. For now, we'll just stay the course. I'll post new reactions to Bunny, and maybe the Patreon update will solve this issue (assuming Patreon doesn't take a page from Vimeo and try to hold content hostage with outrageous fees)