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Vimeo is very close to pulling the plug on my account now that I've refused to pay their ransom. I'll start making the transition to Bunny.net tonight. I hope to make it as seamless as possible by updating old reaction posts with new links, but it might not be so easy. If you see odd things happening (like reposts of old videos), it means I'm essentially rebuilding my old library.

Please let me know if any of these new links do not work. Bunny has a lot of security settings that can be played with, many of which I don't fully understand yet, and I'll be fiddling with them to find what works best. If something is broken on your end, gimme a shout however you can (comment, direct message, discord, twitter)



Does bunny allow for long videos?


As far as I can tell, yes. I'm uploading the Biggie reaction now (among others), so we'll find out. I did learn that about DropBox, that videos over 60 minutes get cut? Something like that.


Do you need a script to automate the uploading? Message me if you want some help with that.


If they have an API I can write you a script really easily that will handle all the uploads. I'll look into it after 1700 central standard time, might need to get some details from you, just hit me in a private message.


They do have an API. Here's a link to their Overview: https://docs.bunny.net/reference/storage-api