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Quick Explanation—

At one point I get hit with a sudden wave of emotion and I start talking about my grandpa. Basically, he was a great person and a great Christian, so it was a whole mix of thinking about him (he passed about ten years ago), missing him, wondering how he would feel about my beliefs today, what Kanye is going through, my own struggles with religion... so on. All of that just collided together suddenly. After I work through that, I calm down.


Direct Play Link: https://iframe.mediadelivery.net/play/27377/2a5ac05c-4632-4af3-8447-d7d24da98156


Kanye - JIK_Opt.mp4


Tyler Johnson

I get why people don’t like this album but I love it. Use This Gospel and God Is are 2 of my most listened to songs ever. Glad you liked the album too.

Daniel Platonov

He has his whole family and he's trying to lead them to God "even if I take this walk alone". He divorced Kim bc she wanted Hollywood over God. It's not an ego thing.

Ace B

great to see Kanye back in the rotation. he's just someone navigating through life just like everyone else. great review Bob, and thanks for sharing memories of the gramps :) may his memory live on!