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Yes, including 'Not Like Us' that just happened to drop during the livestream.

Video is almost ready for posting, so if you wanna watch the stream, give it like 30 minutes and you'll be good to go.



Alexander Vang Johansen

Thank you bob. I’m only 16 minutes into this but I really think you made the right decision w this

Hodge House

Man! We are living in hip hop history right now! I was entertained until "Meet The Grahams". If the stuff Kendrick claims are true, we DO need Drake's house raided 😠 That's absolutely sick, and infuriating!


Love you Bob and all your reactions but way out of your depth here lol. I know you acknowledge it but it’s a tough listen and you just laugh to dismiss stuff you don’t understand which is frustrating.


And the part I stopped listening at was the whole J Cole ‘4 albums in 12 years, I can divide’ line, which is a callback to Jay-Z dissing Nas.