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The Lackadaisy Essentials art books finally arrived at the warehouse. I've been signing the bookplates that ship with them the past couple of nights. About 1000 left to sign at this point, but I should be wrapping up by around sunrise! 

The printing process for these was very delayed and overall rather cursed (mostly for pandemic related reasons), so it'll be a relief to finally get these orders fulfilled. Many thanks to those who pledged for them!
The remaining books in the shipment will be available through Iron Circus later.

Included some photos of the book without its jacket and the interior spreads.




Stretch, drink water, and for the love of all that is lackadaisy....get some sleep!


Fun times 😂


So there will be copies available for purchase per Iron Circus?

Noodle Cat



They're gorgeous and I'm SUPER excited to get mine, but Ms. Butler, you are going to kill your mental health, not to mention your writing hand. We can be patient a bit longer!


They're beautiful ❤️


Aaaa, these turned out so gorgeous! Look at the vibrant colors and the fancy gold embossing! *__* That's real treasure, right there. Please take care of yourself, though! Get some proper sleep, rest your hand between signing smaller batches. After all the books have been through to finally get to you, they can wait a few more days to be shipped out again. :)


Where can I buy one?

Stephanie Soderberg

Can I just say... Tracy's such a trooper. "Been signing all night, still have 1000 to go." Also Tracy: "Thank you, everyone, for your support!" Oh hon, we as a species don't deserve you.

Tiger in man's clothing

I has a sad that I missed this, but my circumstances are improving so if it is available later I will definitely pick one up.


It's been such a privilege following you on this journey. For all your efforts, thank you so very much. ❤

D. Alfonso

I’m so stoked but please take care of yourself lol


looks great!


Where can we buy it?


They'll be available via Iron Circus Comics once the Kickstarter backers all receive theirs. I'll notify everyone here when they're in the shop.


Once the Kickstarter backer rewards have been fulfilled, Iron Circus Comics will put these up in their shop. I'll let everyone here know when they're available by those means.


I need this, in my hands ASAP. Will it be available on Iron Circus or will it be a limited thing?