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Here's where you can watch the premiere on YouTube! Just a matter of hours now.

(You will of course be able to watch the film at the above link anytime after it the premiere happens too.)



Support Lackadaisy on Patreon - https://patreon.com/Lackadaisy Read the comic - https://lackadaisy.com See more from Iron Circus - https://ironcircus.com Join the Lackadaisy community - https://discord.gg/Lackadaisy Check out the upcoming Backerkit crowdfund for Lackadaisy plushes, books and more - https://bit.ly/3TQ9mPj It's 1927 and Prohibition is the law of the land. For Rocky, Freckle and Ivy, the night shifts are never dull. LACKADAISY, based on a comic series by Tracy J. Butler, was directed by Fable Siegel, produced by Iron Circus Animation, and made by a crew of more than 160 skilled artists across the world. The project was funded by Kickstarter backers, aided by Patreon supporters, and fueled by fan viewership and enthusiasm during the course of its production. Thank you so much for watching, and for your support! Music featured: "Olive Branch" by Sepiatonic "Sunset Rose Cocktail" by M Gewehr "Feathers N Fringe" by Albert Marlowe #lackadaisy #lackadaisycats #cats #animation #pilot #2danimation #indieanimation #animationmovie #prohibition #charleston #gatsby #gangsters #mobsters #mafia #1920s #1930s #jazz #electroswing #electroswingdance #flappers #tommygun #lackadaisyfilm #comics #webcomics #sepiatonic #lacksadaisy #lack-a-daisy #lackdaisy #lackadaisical #lackydaisy #lackydasy #lakkadazy #laccadazy #lacadaze #lacadazy



should upload this to newgrounds also


This might already be my new favourite thing. From the "well played together dnd party feel" to a full world context given without ONE expositional line of dialogue, I'm amazed, in awe and instantly a patron <3


I'm getting a 500 error for https://lackadaisy.com/


Sorry about that. The site host is struggling at the moment. It should be back up again right at this moment, though.


One complaint: Too short!! Seriously though, this is amazing!! Both the animation and the voice acting were fantastic!!


Definitely too short! I could just live my life in this world. The animation and voice acting were spotless! The humor was totally on point. So Tracy!




Desperately want to see this expanded into a whole show! It was definitely among the best animation I've seen on YouTube.


They're not enough words to express how much I love this. So I'll just leave a *THUNDEROUS APPLAUSE* for this masterpiece! Thank you for all you and your crew's hard work! It has certainty paid off!

Kay Fedewa

I thought this was really really solid - how has the public reception been so far??


So, the voice acting could use a little work. I feel like Rocky’s actor brings the wrong energy to the character, particularly during the first scene, when he’s serenading the river. It sounds insincere, and reminds me of a really cheesy English dub of an anime. Seraf and Nico also sound like English dubs of non-English dialogue, but for a slightly different reason: Rocky feels like his voice actor is divorced from the proper emotion, whereas Nico and Seraf’s dialogue feels removed from their voices. The actors themselves are fine, but their accents don’t fit their words. It’s jarring to hear a distinctly American voice randomly toss French words into a sentence—that’s normally what you’d see if English WEREN’T their first language. Freckle sounds older and more mature than Rocky, which—to my mind, at least—doesn’t fit with his portrayal in the comic. Comic-Freckle comes across as more innocent, naive, and introverted than his cousin. Animated-Freckle’s voice feels much older, jaded, and more snarky. Less nervous, too. It’s, again, an entirely different energy than I expected, and…I don’t think it’s right. The art and animation are beautiful. I can’t really add anything to that; I’m better at the “criticism” than the “constructive.”


As I recall, Nico ans Seraf are Creole, so Frenglish as I understand really. Their accent seemed right to me, but some one from Louisiana might correct me.


I already gushed in the YT comments but I'll repeat myself here too: absolutely loved it! The love and passion that went into it is so palable, the animation is gorgeous, the music has already been added to my Spotify lists, voice acting, sound, that dolly zoom and the lighting and background in Asa's office AUGH, IT'S ALL SO GOOD! As a long-time fan, seeing these character move and talk is a dream come true, and following along on this journey has been a privilege and so helpful and comforting during these last couple of tumultuous and trying years (and present). Wishing you the best for the future, and that y'all get some well-deserved rest!


The seraf and nico's accent is historically accurate. the bayou was originally french territory, so a true bayou accent isnt just 'dumb southern' its specifically a french/southern accent mashed together. Thats why a lot of bayou slang is phnetic versions of french words.


Huh. Okay. It doesn’t sound great to me, but if it actually fits then that’s a me problem


Love it!

Jason Veevaert

Hi, Jason, new to your patreon! Just saw the pilot, which led me to your comic, which lead me here. Like to support independent creators where I can and I like your work! So (even if it’s not a lot) wanted to be a part of that, and here’s wishing you good fortune going forward! May the muses smile on you!

D. Alfonso

Congratulations!!! Holy shit


I saw it and loved it, I can't wait to see atlas backstory even though yes in the pilot he is passed on, but I feel he has more to tell in future episodes.


Could you maybe add the last two patron twitch streams to YouTube?


I’ve been with you since well before your first book was published and I’m so amazed by how far you’ve gone over the years! What are your plans with this pilot? Are you looking for something like Netflix to produce more? I know I invest in you every month on Patreon, but I would love to invest in this project to develop it into a major animated series


so happy to have done something to support this!

