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There Was an Attempt: A Retrospective

Haha, okay, well, some of you asked for this. So, allow me to introduce Rock E. Cheese, Sock Monkey Rocky, Ricky and sundry of his evolutionary offshoots.
The second image was lovingly painted for you by Fable - Rocko really taps into that Danny DeVito energy.

We've been at this plush design process for more than a year now, passing numerous alterations, and countless notes and redline draw-overs back and forth between the manufacturers and seamsters. This is only some of it. You can see us trying to get the ears more dimensional, but failing to really achieve that devil-horn shape Rocky's ears have. You can see the various coiffures we tried out, but which sadly tended more toward bad toupee. There were numerous experiments trying to get suspenders to work, longer fur, more embroidered face details, a more shapely face and other such things that we thought would add to the quality, but ultimately only introduced additional problems. And probably the most challenging part has been getting 3rd parties to understand the correct facial proportions/placement. It doesn't take much of a discrepancy in that area for the character to look really off-base.

Though the results have been pretty hilarious at intervals, I don't mean to belittle any of the work anyone has put in here. Everyone involved has been trying their best. This sort of craft is just difficult at its core. Fandomoid in particular has been wonderful, and created that paper mockup near the bottom that finally got us so much closer to where we want to be with this project (see the photos in the last post). At the very bottom of the compilation image is the 'texture map' of Rocky's face for the sublimation process we settled on. It's silly, but it works.




Omg he looks like a hyena XD


Wow. I can only imagine how difficult something like this is (and not just a one-off- something for semi-mass production). Best of luck!


roggy rigaby :DDD

Stephanie Soderberg

I don't mean to be mean, but the second, very WHITE, no-muzzle Rocky one made me chortle. Oh no, that's... that's just unfortunate for everyone...

Jason Rock

*looks at last photo* And now you have a reference if Rocky gets run over by the truck.