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When the world is on fire...paint something pathologically cheerful?

Really, this is just a little thank you image for the 1 million+ views on the dancing Ivy video we had posted to YouTube. It's not a lot in the scheme of the platform, I know, but it's a notable milestone for our scrappy crew! We more or less started building the YT channel from scratch at the start of the project with the hope of giving the film a solid foundation to eventually launch from. While it's been frustrating trying to comprehend the occult underpinnings of The Algorithm, we sure do appreciate the views and shares and whatnot. So, thank you! And thank all of you here for your amazing support!

(Some of you might have seen me working on the first version of this in the last Patron stream. I was trying to meticulously ink it, but decided to change it up and do something a little more spontaneous looking instead.)




You make painting sunlight and ambient occlusion look effortless! And congrats on the 1mil views <3


This is so cute 🥰


Yee, congrats on all the views! :D Very well deserved. I love the colors in this! And that lovely string of pearls. <3


Much deserved!!

Conrad Wong

Oh my gosh, this is such a blast of sunshine for the ol' Patreon scroll. ^.^

Stephanie Soderberg

The reason you paint pretty happy kitties with flower hats instead of something more saucy to relax is why I love your art. It's always simple and effective at putting a smile on my face. :) Grats on all the YouTube views!




sweet joy captured

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-22 02:43:12 She looks so soft <3
2022-07-14 16:18:16 She looks so soft <3

She looks so soft <3