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Missouri State Penitentiary-

My birthday was a couple of days ago as was my friend's, so we decided to treat ourselves to a little prison time.  That is to say, we went to tour the Missouri State Penitentiary, which operated between 1836 and 2004 and, for a time, was the nation's largest prison complex. 

This fortress of a place was host to a number of famous and infamous prisoners (Emma Goldman, "Pretty Boy" Floyd, Sonny Liston, James Earl Ray), numerous executions, riots, fires, a gas chamber and a bonafide dungeon.  It's a popular spot for paranormal investigations as well.  I'm not so sure about the purported haunts, but the place itself is truly haunting, heavily textured by time, grime and lore -  a ruinous, tactile story of human failings, whichever side of the law. 

Anyway, photos scarcely do its character justice, but since it's sort of related to Lackadaisy from a historical angle, I thought I'd share a little collection of photos Patrick and I took there.  I added notes to many of the images, in case anyone is interested by this sort of thing.

The Album is here. 



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