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The last two pages for Volume 2.  You can view them at their full sizes here:

Lackadaisy Whirlwind

Lackadaisy Headlong 

I do hope you've enjoyed the 'book'.  I've been at it for so long, calling it complete feels a bit unreal at the moment.  I really don't think I could have finished without you all, though.  Trudging onward with it under the burden of a game industry job was taking its toll.  Too much time was lost to empty-feeling toil that kept finding its way into the trash,  and on the comic side, physical exhaustion, frustration, disappointment and heartache was piling up. Patronage has defibrillated this faltering labor back to life, though.  It utterly changed everything.  


So, again, thank you for your support (financial and moral) and for bearing with me. It means the world, and above all, I hope you are finding this worthy and worthwhile.


Of course, a great deal of Volume 2 is build-up and set-up for things that happen in Volume 3.  I'm excited to get started on that (it's rather more action oriented than this volume has been). I'll be back soon with some details about when Volume 3 will begin, and what stuff I'll be doing and sharing with you guys in the coming months.



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