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Hey, so we have a thing coming up in early 2021 that involves pancakes (because of course it does) and the amazing team at St. Louis' own Dancakes.
More details on that later.

Meanwhile, hypothetically, which of the Lackadaisy characters would you say is most pancakable? Who deserves to be battered up and chomped? Who would you most like to pour syrup on? Uh, well, it's getting weird now so I'll just get to the point...
Help us decide who gets the pancake treatment, won't you? 

Vote in this here straw poll!

(Rocky's not included in the poll because Rocky is already one with the pancakes.  He is pancake incarnate.)




I have to vote for Ivy because she's my favorite. But I want to vote for Cactus Friend so badly. Reading "A Thing For You" makes me giggle uncontrollably every single time.

Classical Salamander

I like this vote... but apparently I have *unusual* taste in pancakes. Only 8 other people (out of hundreds) agreed with my vote!


Rocky is like my favorite in this drawing ❤️

Jason Rock

Most popular: The one most likely to kill you after having a psychotic breakdown over the sticky. Least popular: The one most likely to kill you *slightly faster* because they planned ahead and got the psychotic break out of the way years ago.


I'd like to pour syrup on Serafine's naked body! XD


Serafine isn't pancakes. Serafine is Belgian waffles with strawberries and absinthe.


Run faster she's going to take your pancakes away! lol

Garrett Simpson

I see lying cat from Saga in the third image,hehe!!


I was halfway through reading, wonder why on earth Rocky wouldn’t be first choice for anything pancake-related. Glad to hear he’s getting special treatment lol. Outside of him, I’d go for a young Freckle.


Aww I missed getting to vote. Alas.