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I apologize for it being late. I was partially skeletonized.

However rough this year has been, at least there's cats.
Hope you all are doing okay. Remember to take care of yourselves and snuggle your critter friends...if they're snugglable, I mean. I guess aquarium fish wouldn't really appreciate that.


I am desperate to get back to actual for real comic making. Thankfully, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel with the book editing. I'll show some examples from the book soon if anyone's interested.




Take your time, we can wait. (Sips coffee)

Minzoku Bokumetsu

Sadly my Chonkadonk Poopnugget doesn't want to cuddle, cuz feral =( If I ever get to turn into a crazy cat lady, I will absolutely die in my house and cats will eat my body to stay alive, yup


Sorry to hear about the stress! This little piece is amazing, though - especially your cat's reaction to your death. 200% accurate. Hang in there ❤️

Elson Wong

Thanks for sharing a visual snapshot of the struggles of handling multiple and ambitious projects at once Tracy. Making comics has always been a tough gig and a marathon to boot to reap the rewards. I continue to share my praise and encouragement for the excellent production quality of your work. Please continue to stay healthy, happy and inspired. As always, keep up the awesome work! Best wishes to your peers involved in the Lackadaisy animated project!


This is adorable and disturbing at the same time. I would love to see the book in progress, if you'd like to share it! <3


Can confirm that our black cat siblings would both exhibit this behavior were this scenario to come to pass.


Yup, looks about right. Love how you draw cartoon cats of the 4-legged variety. So adorable I squealed despite the whole batting eyeballs around thing.


Hugging one of our fuzzy black kitties now


I can completely imagine a cat doing that! :)




AUGH, I FEEL this! Especially the part with the eyes popping out. So accurate. X_X