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It's a real party at Viktor's place.

I've been fighting with the colors on this for hours now. They're not quite right, but May is ending, so I had better set it down for the moment. This is the first part of the next chapter, which I'll attempt to wrap up fully in June. This will remain a Patron only preview in the meantime, though.
I've got some extra artwork to share this weekend as well!

A lot of you probably are familiar with what laudanum is, but in case you're not, it's an old school opium tincture. It was easy to purchase without so much as a prescription in the 19th century and was used to treat a wide variety of maladies, owing largely to the superficially pleasant effects of opium. Around the turn of the 20th century, though, amidst epidemic levels of addiction, the US government started regulating narcotics. One could still purchase OTC medicines containing opium (like childen's paregoric for a cough), but it contained a much smaller proportion of the drug. Evidently Dr. Quackenbush still keeps some of the strong stuff handy, though.
