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Working on the next comic update!

Meanwhile, here's something else I've had in progress for a while (I've shared the top four in the past).
In art, sometimes the most difficult thing is trying to override your usual habits - rendering, detailing, and texturing everything to death, uh, for instance.  Here I'm instead trying to distill the characters down to fewer lines to rely more on overall shape, and to push those shapes somewhere a bit bolder. With that in mind, many of them still need work (and color), but it's good exercise. It also has a second purpose, but I'll talk more about that when the time is right.

Bonus Killjoy and DJ Jazzy Viktor at the bottom. Livestreams get a little weird sometimes...



Jared Hudson

These are so... damn... good. XD


I think if you can be as faithful as these are to your ultra-rendered versions, and not kill yourself in the process, these will be amazingly well-received! :D

Duke BG

cactus bling is pure killer


"Killjoy" - I think that's the most compact double entendre I've ever seen. *golf clap*


Bonus guys are adorable )

Matthew Speidel

They all still look like themselves. :)

Shannon Leigh Legler

Dang... how can an over-renderer be so unfairly good at stylizing too?? I love the linework--especially those outer-most outlines. Dynamic and descriptive without being too cartoony.


Mordecai and Viktor out here killing record sales with their sick beats....literally! Those gunshots you hear in the background are real. Duck and cover. (Love all of these as well!)


Adorable simplified versions! I love Wes. Lol Mordecai has magic floating glasses' lenses in front of his eyes with no nose piece.


Your character design is, as always, a master class in silhouette recognition (sooo many creators fail or simply don’t bother with such a critical element..)


I love the brushes you used for linework