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Hey, I'm really sorry if any of you have run into a problem with Patreon  declining your card for no discernible reason this cycle.  Something went awry.  Creators all had synchronized heart attacks this morning as we watched our patronage plummet without explanation.  It seems Patreon is trying to address it, but I want to apologize if it has proven to be any inconvenience.

From what I can tell, they are reaching out to everyone whose cards were declined to explain.  The system should automatically make another attempt at the charge after it fails the first time.  They may also suggest updating/changing your payment method, though. That more or less puts the onus for their technical errors on the users here, and that's not cool at all. You shouldn't have to change your legitimate card information to fix what's wrong with Patreon.  I do understand if you've reached your frustration threshold with this platform and you wish to leave.

Again, I'm very sorry.



Duke BG

I don't think it's possible for Patreon to fix it from their side. The problem is (some american) banks marked the transactions as questionable / suspicious of fraud because Patreon switched to charging from a different address (rumours are: from US to UK). However, it's unlikely Patreon as a company can call banks and say "We legit, no fraud, pwease unmark these thousands of transactions all in one go, uwu". Banks just won't handle a potential fraud like that, allowing it on a scale. So every patron whose payment didn't go through for this reason will have to manually contact their bank and confirm the non-fraudness. Most likely. p.s. I'm not american, my payment came through without problems.


i'm in the UK so my paymen went through ok which is good! no need to apologise though, it's not your fault at all!! hope everything's alright on your end!

Lee Spiesman

No problems here, and ditto what Freddie Lee said, not your fault.

Matthew Speidel

After a phone call with a very nice lady from my bank, Lackadaisy is getting its piece of the action once again. <3


Hey, thanks, Matt. You shouldn't have had to go to all the trouble, but I really appreciate that you did!


Well, thank you for understanding in any case. Hanging in there on this end. I have a very wonderful group of people as patreon supporters, so there's that to be optimistic about. =)


You are probably correct about that. It's just kind of baffling that they didn't take measures to try to prevent his beforehand...or at least provide us with some forewarning to allay the freak-out. Perhaps there was really no ideal way for them to approach this. I don't know...but it's the second time within the span of the last 8 months that they've made a weird, unannounced change that threw everything into chaos. =/ Anyway, glad to know you didn't have any trouble!

Duke BG

I agree, the blame is 100% on them and they didn't handle it well at all, even just being transparant on what's going on. Everything in my comment should have been coming *from them*. And that thing 8 months ago, yeah, what the heck, Patreon...

Stephen Smoogen

My bank notified me that a strange process was being done against my account and locked my card. The problem was that Patreon normally processes from a US bank but this time the transaction came from a UK bank which got declined. My guess is that they had a software glitch where htey would do EU payments from a UK bank and US payments from a US bank.. but everything got routed through the UK bank this time.

Shannon Leigh Legler

Yeah, my card was temporarily locked down because of it, but it seems to be working now! Patreon is looking into why they're suddenly triggering the "fraud" alert on cards, so hopefully they figure it out by next cycle. The Creators weren't the only ones having a mass panic attack that morning--my bank only called Patreon a "telemarketing company" in their notification to me and I was like "wtf how did some telemarketing company get my info??"

Shannon Leigh Legler

--and oho I'm just reading now about the UK bank thing. Gosh yeah, I hope they fix that, whether it was an intentional change or accidental.


I lost quite of bit of people and hardly any came back even after I made the announcement. Fun fun over here. I hope things are workin out for you hun

Christopher Anderson

Just got a couple of fraud alerts via text and phone this morning from my bank. Same problem as other US users. As an identity theft victim, I appreciate the bank being cautious, but I feel for the creators. Seems like this could have been handled better. Hopefully this doesn't keep coming up going forward, but you deserve our support, so we'll ask figure it out! Thanks for doing what you do!

Sean Nelson

Same issue here but it's fixed since then


Thanks for your understanding, Christopher! I'm sorry you had to sort things out with the bank over it and I hope it wasn't too much of an inconvenience. With any luck, this won't happen again next month.


When I first became a patron a couple of months back, I had tried using my bank account info to pay directly via credit card and kept getting a message that my payment could not be accepted, or something along those lines. So then I tried creating a PayPal account, linked *that* account to that same credit card that was initially rejected by Patreon, and put in my PayPal info to subscribe to you. It went through without a hitch, and has not given me any trouble for the payments that have gone through since. So, I guess Patreon can, for whatever reason, still process payments if they're just submitted through PayPal? Might be worth looking into, and perhaps you should direct your patrons to try that method out before cutting their subscription out of sheer inconvenience; I know none of us want to. Hope that helps!