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Some practice sketches I've been doing in-between working on comic panels - trying to capture faces without overworking things as I tend to do.  I've had some requests for a human face-drawing guide akin to Notes on Expressions, but I feel my face drawing skills need a lot of brushing up before I can muster enough presumptuousness to do something like that.  I'll probably start another of these focused more on expression soon.

Many of these are faces from early cinema.  Some of the others are from movie stills, and some are from...I don't know where. Over the years, I've saved several gigs worth of reference images to my hard drive into poorly organized folders like 'interesting faces', 'cinematic', 'blue stuff', and 'vampy'.  Extra points if you can recognize any of them, I guess.




Karloff stood out instantly, as did Wong and Garbo. The older bearded chap is familiar, but I can't hang a name on him. I am trying to make the fellow to the right of Mr. Beard into Sussue Hayakawa, but I suspect I'm wrong; likewise, I don't think I'm right in seeing Conrad Veidt just to Beard's left. It is Lionel Atwill with the little thin moustache, next to Karloff?


I feel very uncultured reading these comments haha the first this I thought was, “ Is that Beyoncé at the bottom?”


You're right about Conrad Veidt. I chose that one for the angle of the face, though it hardly looks like him. That's John Barrymore with the thin mustache.