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Trying something new this year, in case anyone here is interested!

The theme is pretty loose.  As long as the art is related to Lackadaisy and Halloween in some way, almost anything goes.  Judging will be based on execution, creativity, and how much wicked glee you took in concocting your entry!

Submissions don't necessarily need to include Lackadaisy characters - for example, a spooky art deco club motif would qualify too.  Characters can appear in any form, be it cat, dog, human, or potato.  OCs can be included in submissions that also include Lackadaisy characters in some way (be it art or writing).  Things like costumes and carved pumpkins are eligible too.

If you win and you happen to be a Patron, I'll include something a little extra with your prize!

The Lackadaisy Discord is here.

Here are the instructions for linking up your Patreon and Discord accounts. 




Does photography count?


If you can find and take a quality photograph of something that's connected to Lackadaisy somehow (excluding Lackadaisy merchandise), then sure!


Hmm, I don't know if there is help for this but OS doesn't recognize discord and a web address... I can get to the basic lackadaisy discord but I can't follow the link to the halloween contest. Any alternate routs to the page?


Hmm...that's strange. If it's actually getting you to the server, that should do the trick. You just need to visit #public_announcements for instructions. If you're not actually able to log in and see the chat channels on the server through, that's a problem. If you're not getting anywhere with a browser, there is a desktop app here: <a href="https://discordapp.com/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://discordapp.com/</a> There are also iOS/Android mobile apps for Discord. If none of that works (or you, and you wish to submit something, message me here on Patreon. I'll make sure your entry makes it in!