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Heya, its me again, and I have some new floor model poses to show off. Also discussed in this post will be announcement of a new distribution method for member exclusive content and an intro for our new character for March 2024. 

For the new members among you, "Floor" model poses in the context of my collection just mean poses where the model are close to the floor and do not require something to sit on or lean against. The poses from this pack swing unapologetically between cute and lewd:


In all, 12 poses made the cut and so that you have a better idea of what else to expect, here are some references I used:

For those of you who like to make poses yourself, I have.. an experience to share. A few pose packs ago, changed my method for making poses. Whereas before, I would often pick a pose that I had made in the past and adapted it to the reference that I was trying to recreate... I have, as a rule, started making each new numbered pose from a T-pose! I have found that starting from a T-pose makes for more unique and natural poses, and the process is oddly liberating. Instead of having to wrestle an old pose to fit my needs, starting from scratch is often faster and yields better results! If your into pose making yourself, I highly recommend pushing yourself to start from T-pose, you'll be surprised with what you end up creating! 

New Distribution Channel for Exclusive Poses and Characters

Due to some security concerns that have come to light, I have moved distribution of my exclusive poses and character cards to MEGA. For future releases, please refer to your personal membership note for access to your membership rewards. Your member's note can be found on the main page, under "membership." 

Thank you for your cooperation, and please let me know if you have trouble accessing the note or links! 

Introducing Jimin

Yes, today I have a new character showcasing the poses. I am tentatively calling her Jimin for the time being, as something about her reminded me of the retired AOA member. Yes, I know shes not a replica, but coming up with names is hard, okay??

Jimin will be our girl for March (releasing March 15th). Here is a portrait of her in her current state: 

Outfit courtesy of GDC 

As for this month's exclusive card, I could not come up with a satisfactory alteration of Jimin that I felt were worthy of the exclusive slot. I feel like Jimin's look completely broken unless she has this specific hairstyle, and simply a change of clothes doesnt feel adequate as an exclusive. Therefore, I have decided to make an alternative version of an old card instead. As I have begun experimenting with the next pose pack, I found that I liked using the recently updated Faith as a model a lot. So the March exclusive will be the Faith Prime card. For this variant, I have made some subtle changes to make her face cuter, her makeup cleaner, and her figure a bit more ideal. Most importantly this version of Faith sports a shorter hairstyle (Sjjpl hair 77) that doesn't clip into her and a velvety red dress (Sjjpl Top 154). Hanmen's Anisotropic shader, hair shaders, and pantyhose shaders will be required for best effect. I have a bit of a thing for short, blonde bobs this month 😳

Thank you for tuning in for yet another preview. See you on release day!






your floor model pose is god.