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Hi all. I was working on my planned "devastatingly casual" poses but when I was half way through and looking back on what I had made... I realized that I had really just made "Model Poses". 😅

Maybe I will re-attempt a casual pose pack at another time.. or maybe true subtlety still requires a bit more skill than I possess? The contents of this pack will instead focus on standing poses with the arms crossed on tucked in close to the body. Due to the way illusion characters are weight mapped, tucking the arms in causes the shoulders to go wonky, so this class of poses are something that I have historically stayed away from.

Most of these poses will go well with a purse or tote bag. The poses will also be decent for use in portrait renders, as our girl from December will demonstrate...

Introducing Yenna:

Our last special girl for 2023 will be the stunning Yenna. Here is Yenna utilizing three of the upcoming poses to the best of her ability to try and make a good impression on you!

The dark haired Yenna is the main variant that I am working on. The exclusive variant will be winter themed:

Thank you for tuning in for this update! See you on the 25th for the next release!

***Sponsors: I will be away from my computer until November 24th, so work on new commissions will be put on hold until that date, thank you for you understanding!***




Yes, we need more casual/relaxed standing and sitting poses. XD