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Its time for more kinky, submissive roleplay in the studio...

I love this general style of pose so much that It wasn't until the end that I realize that I leaned a bit too heavy on iteration for this pack, at the price of overall variation. I hope you can forgive me!

That being said, each one looks quite stunning from certain angles and really emphasizes a state of feminine fragility while simultaneously accentuating curves 😍

HS2: The main pose files are for use with high heels, except the two with "BF" tag. For use without highheels, please use the files in the "barefoot" folder and be sure to turn on crotch and both ankle adjustments in anim>Joint adjustment.

HS1: All files use join adjustment. Turn on crotch and both ankle adjustments in anim>Joint adjustment. Main files are for use with high heels, for barefoot, please use the poses in the barefoot folder.

Koikatsu: Not made for joint adjustment. Just load 'em! I noticed that joint adjustment in KK can break geometry at high angles of rotation so I made these for use without crotch and ankle adjustments (studio default setting).

I hope you enjoy!

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