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I shall name the above poster... "Contents of Andrew Tate's Closet" 🤣 I joke, but yes, we will be swinging back over to kink corner with 'Damsel in Distress 02' for the next pose pack! Its been a while, so thank you to the bondage fans who have been patiently waiting. For this pack, I focused on poses that involve rope and a single overhanging bar, making them ideal for closets and tight spaces, as pictured. 

Character Changes and Recommended Mods: 

I will be making some upgrades to the way that I release HS2 cards. I typically release characters with one regular and one Next-gen shader card, but starting this month I will include the following:

  • A Regular card that runs out of the box with DHH (no next gen-shaders and no paywalled mods). 
  • A Hanmen Next-gen card that requires graphics mod and various Hanmen shaders (see below). This card may sometimes require paid mods to run. 
  • A "Prime" card which is the one that I personally use in my renders and promotional materials. This card will be a mix of the above two. I find that subsurface scattering sometimes dilutes and washes out some of the details on faces. So on some characters I opt out of next-gen skin shaders. 
  • An 30-day timed exclusive variant card. This card will target a specific alternate look and will use a combination of vanilla and next-gen shaders similar to the Prime card.  

Recommended mods:

As described above, some of my cards may begin using the following mods, if you do not want to buy the paid ones from Hanmen, the cards should work fine still, it will just look slightly different:


Pantyhose Shader by Hanmen
Tounge & Teeth V1.04 by Hanmen


Next-Gen Shaders 2.0 by Hanmen
Next-Gen Skin Textures by Hanmen 

These mods really elevate the look of the character and clothing, and I most certainly have not figured out their full potential yet. 

Introducing Eunji for HS2

This month's HS2 character is the lovely Eunji, you may have already seen her on the updated Patreon banner 💖:

Eunji's special variant will be casual themed, in contrast to the permed and glitzy main personal. Under the right light, perhaps this side of Eunji trigger will trigger some of those 'first love' or 'college crush' flashbacks?

Eunji for HS2 will be ready for release soon!  

Update Regarding New Monitor

I have gamed and worked on this monitor (AW3423DWF) for several weeks now and wow, every time I come back to my desk. I'm still getting blown away by it. I had some serious anxiety and buyer's remorse after placing the order, because at 1300CAD, its by far the most expensive component for a computer setup that I have ever purchased.. but I certainly dont regret it now! I can never go back to non-QD OLED. 

Some dude on YouTube said, "you can buy a sweet CPU and OC your GPU all you want, but at the end of the day, theres a middle man between your GPU output and your eyeballs, and its your monitor." Very wise words which I now know to be true. 

I always wondered why all my works looked washed out and depressing on my I-Phone and now I know its because of my old monitor's color inaccuracies and overly aggressive saturation. I hope that going forward my posters will look more natural 😊

I have updated last month's exclusive pose poster and HS2 scene file to correct for these issues. I you want to use this scene file in HS2, please re-download for updated color grading. 

Thank you all for your continued visitation and patronage! Every click helps 🥳




gimmie, Gimmie, G I M M I E =)


Looks amazing as usual bro, keep up the great work