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Hi all, I have been working on the second community pose pack and I am really sorry to say that its not quite ready yet. (Usually I target my pose packs for release on the 10th and 25th of every month) Likelihood of it releasing tomorrow (26th) is very high though. A big thank you to the patrons who submitted ideas for this pack! 

It has been a really busy few weeks for me with some crunch at work, Lunar new year, and some tech changes (more on this below). Those of you who celebrate the lunar new year, I hope you received many red pouches and ate lots of unhealthy food!

Character Previews and Update

While we are on the topic of previews, here is a preview of the HS1 character for this month, coming in a few days, and the HS2 character for February:

Violet for HS1 in a silky night gown.

Violet's AQUA alter-ego available as a timed exclusive until Feb 25th. Her outfit is a material edited version the Zeaska 51 swimsuit (swimsuit mod not included but can be found online). 

Our HS2 character of the month for Feb 2023

In recent months, I have found that the quota of one character HS1 per month in conjunction with the fact that I am gravitating more towards HS2 has drained my enthusiasm for creating characters in HS1. Without enthusiasm, I find that I am less exploratory and produce inferior results. The net effect is that I think my HS1 characters are looking same-y and I think that its time to admit that. For this reason I am going to be withdrawing my commitment to making one HS1 character per month (at least temporarily) starting in March. For the time being, I have one more HS1 character in the works for February. I may still release HS1 characters from time to time, but only when I have stumble into something really special and worthwhile. 

Sorry if you are a fan of my HS1 characters. Thank you for your understanding and support! 

In RL news:

You might notice that there will be a shift in tone for my screenshots and renders going forward. This is because I recently switched to the Alienware QD OLED monitor. Reviews say that it has amazing HDR and color accuracy, so I thought it would be a great addition to my setup. My old monitor was OK but relied heavily on oversaturation to not look bad, so it skewed all of my renders to be slightly undersaturated. 

Part of the reason for the delay was actually because I spent a few nights trying to get the monitor and window settings right. Out of the box, everything looked like it was peed on, which was a huge disappointment, but after a lot of tweaking and web surfing I found that the culprit was some Dell color profile that installed itself with a windows update. After deleting that profile and implementing a few tweaks, it looks AMAZING. True HDR paired with OLED contrast really bedazzled me.

I dare say that this monitor amazed me more than my first experience with VR. Playing Lego Star Wars in HDR for the first time, with the lightsabers clashing brightly, blew my daughters little mind, and that is an experience that I wont soon forget. 

Thats all for now, thanks for tuning in :) 



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