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Hi all, welcome to the official last update/preview post of the year! I have quite a bit to cover in this post, so here are the the topics that I want to talk about: 

  • Floor Model Poses Preview
  • Interest in Character Cards?
  • Koikatsu pose data revisions
  • Language Survey Results

Floor Model Poses 04 Preview:

First things first, I know some of you are interested in seeing whats in store in the next set of poses. Well, it will be a floor model pose pack, and its contents will be a bunch of poses like the following:

Ivy and Faith try out the new poses.

All of the poses in this pack are based on references from tabloids, playboy centerfolds, and Asian gravure shots like this:

Credit unknown. Shes gorgeous though.

Most of the references do not fit patreon guidelines 😳 

See you on the 25th for release!

Character Card Interest

According to traffic data, from patreon and google analytics, I have seen that my HS2 cards are very popular (thanks for the vote of confidence guys!), but almost no one actually visits the HS1 character posts😭 . So this brings their utility into question. While I'm at it, I am also curious if it is worthwhile to try my hand at KK character creation. Please indulge me yet another quick poll to get to the bottom of the matter. I would like to know what percentage of you are interested or potentially interested in character cards from me and from what game. 

Koikatsu File Revision

A large number of poses for Koikatsu were teleporting characters up and down upon loading. This was caused by a conflict between the outdated file data and the FKheightadj mod. Thanks to a user named Teddo from the KK discord who contacted me and pointed out this major issue. The files from the following pose packs have been fixed: 

  • Auto Show Poses
  • Commissions Q1
  • Community 01
  • Gymnastics
  • Alluring Poses
  • Floor Model Poses 02
  • Floor Relax Poses
  • Standing Model 02
  • Standing Model 03
  • Stand Idol

The updated files can be found in the year-one comp pack and will take effect if you install it. HOWEVER, in order to fix this issue, I needed to resave the files in the .png format, which means that the old files will not be overwritten. The result of this is that many of the fixed files will show up twice in your pose list. The only way to fix this is to go into the individual folders and delete the redundant .dat files, which I cannot do. Up to you how you wish to proceed, leave as is with the teleport up/down issue, or redownload but suffer a bloated file list. 

I have been trying to come up with a crude script which can clean up the redundant files, but I have no experience in coding so the results have been rather hilarious. I used an Ai to help me come up with the script, but it is not working as intended. more on this later, possibly. 

Language Survey Results

Thank you for participating in the recent language survey. I started the survey because I was emboldened by the recent release of GPTchat, which I thought could make immaculate translations which take into account complex concepts, figures of speech, jokes, etc. I was exploring the possibility of having GPT translate my posts for me in their entirety so that this patreon may become more welcoming and inclusive to international readers. 

However, I have since discovered that I had over-estimated GPTchat's ability to translate my posts. While it is vastly superior to google translate, it still has a ways to go. Maybe in another year or two it will be ready. 

Having said that, I am glad to see that over 3/4 of you can read English, as I will continue to post exclusively in English for now (until I can have the material translated competently). 

Okay thats everything for now. Thank you for reading and thank you all for your patronage and visitation over this past year. Merry Christmas! 




She is gorgeous~Merry Christmas my dear friend.


Merry Christmas and a happy New Year great Poser